Comunicación intrafamiliar para el desarrollo cognitivo de los estudiantes del decimo año de básica del colegio fiscal mixto nocturno Ana Villamil Icaza de la ciudad de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo promover en los
representantes legales y la importancia de la comunicación intrafamiliar
para mejorar el desarrollo cognitivo de los estudiantes del décimo año del
Colegio Fiscal Nocturno "Ana Villamil Icaza" de la ciudad de Guayaquil,
mediante estrategias digitales en la elaboración de una guía didáctica
formativa, orientada a padres, representantes legales y docentes; para el
efecto se aplicó la metodología descriptiva, con enfoque cuantitativo,
empleando la deducción, así como las técnicas de la encuesta y la
entrevista, con cuyos instrumentos se evidenciaron como hallazgos
principales la limitada comunicación entre los representantes legales y
sus representados que afecta la relación afectiva y el desarrollo cognitivo
de los estudiantes, sin que en el plantel haya un departamento de
relaciones públicas, impactando en la falta estrategias para fortalecer este
aspecto de la investigación, recomendándose como solución la
elaboración de una Guía Didáctica Formativa como recurso digital que
contribuirá al mejoramiento en la comunicación y motivación constante
entre las autoridades, docentes, representantes legales.
The selection of the research aimed to promote legal representatives about the importance of family communication to enhance the cognitive development of students in the tenth year of "Ana Villamil Icaza" Night Attorney College in the city of Guayaquil, through digital strategies the development of a training tutorial aimed at teachers and guardians of the students; to the effect descriptive methodology was applied, with quantitative approach, using deduction and survey techniques and interviews with instruments whose main findings showed limited communication between legal representatives and their constituents that affect the relationship affective and cognitive development of students on campus but there is a public relations department, impacting the lack strategies to strengthen this aspect of the research, developing solution is recommended as a training Teaching Guide as digital resource that will contribute to improved communication and constant motivation between the authorities, teachers, legal representatives.
The selection of the research aimed to promote legal representatives about the importance of family communication to enhance the cognitive development of students in the tenth year of "Ana Villamil Icaza" Night Attorney College in the city of Guayaquil, through digital strategies the development of a training tutorial aimed at teachers and guardians of the students; to the effect descriptive methodology was applied, with quantitative approach, using deduction and survey techniques and interviews with instruments whose main findings showed limited communication between legal representatives and their constituents that affect the relationship affective and cognitive development of students on campus but there is a public relations department, impacting the lack strategies to strengthen this aspect of the research, developing solution is recommended as a training Teaching Guide as digital resource that will contribute to improved communication and constant motivation between the authorities, teachers, legal representatives.
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