Análisis estacional de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en un tramo del río Portoviejo.
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Este estudio se realizó durante los meses de abril, mayo, julio y agosto del 2006, en el tramo del río Portoviejo que atraviesa el cantón del mismo nombre, para ello se establecieron tres estaciones: El Cady, parque ecológico “El Mamey” y Picoazá. Se midieron las concentraciones de varios parámetros abióticos y se correlacionaron con las abundancias de insectos. Además se determinó la diversidad de órdenes y familias de insectos acuáticos para cada una de las estaciones. La colecta de macroinvertebrados acuáticos se basó en una adaptación a la metodología de Baladrón, 2001 Se encontraron un total de 7 órdenes de insectos acuáticos, 1 orden de insectos semiacuáticos y 3 taxa de otros (Decapoda, Mollusca y Oligochaeta), con un total de 13950 individuos. El grupo con la mayor composición porcentual dentro de los taxa reportados fue Mollusca con 46%, mientras que su equivalente a nivel de sólo insectos acuáticos fue Ephemeroptera con 59%. Dentro de los órdenes de insectos se encontraron 33 familias agrupadas en un total de 7652 organismos. La diversidad fue mayor tanto en órdenes como familias para el Parque Mamey. Se observaron relaciones directas entre la temperatura, oxígeno disuelto y conductividad con las abundancias de algunos órdenes de insectos
This study was made during april, may , july and august 2006 in Portoviejo river stretch, which crosses over Portoviejo city. There were established three collecting stations: El Cady, “El Mamey” park and Picoazá. The concentrations of the abiotic parameters were measured and correlated to insects abundance. Moreover, the aquatic insects orders and families diversity were determinated for each one of the stations. The collecting method was based on an adaptation of Baladron´s 2001 methodology . There were found 7 aquatic insects orders, 1 semi-aquatic order and 3 other taxa (Decapoda, Collembola and Oligochaeta) in a total of 13950 individuals. The higher porcentual composition among the reported taxa was Mollusca with 46%, while its equal to aquatic insects was Ephemeroptera with 59%. Among the insects orders 33 families were found in a total of 7652 organism. The diversity values were higher (orders and families) in “El Mamey”. There were observed direct relations between temperature, dissolved oxygen and conductivity with the abundances of some of the insects orders
This study was made during april, may , july and august 2006 in Portoviejo river stretch, which crosses over Portoviejo city. There were established three collecting stations: El Cady, “El Mamey” park and Picoazá. The concentrations of the abiotic parameters were measured and correlated to insects abundance. Moreover, the aquatic insects orders and families diversity were determinated for each one of the stations. The collecting method was based on an adaptation of Baladron´s 2001 methodology . There were found 7 aquatic insects orders, 1 semi-aquatic order and 3 other taxa (Decapoda, Collembola and Oligochaeta) in a total of 13950 individuals. The higher porcentual composition among the reported taxa was Mollusca with 46%, while its equal to aquatic insects was Ephemeroptera with 59%. Among the insects orders 33 families were found in a total of 7652 organism. The diversity values were higher (orders and families) in “El Mamey”. There were observed direct relations between temperature, dissolved oxygen and conductivity with the abundances of some of the insects orders
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