Producción de melón (cucumis melo l.) fertirrigado con aguas de alta salinidad utilizando niveles de fósforo y productos enmendantes.
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El principal problema que soportan los cultivos en la Península de Santa Elena es la salinidad. Consientes de esta problemática que tiene esta región del país, se realizó esta investigación en Río Verde, en el Campo de Práctica de la Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias perteneciente a la Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, ubicado en la vía Guayaquil – Santa Elena km. 118. El objetivo principal fue producir melón en aguas con alta salinidad utilizando niveles de fertilización fosfatada al suelo y el efecto de productos enmendantes aplicados vía foliar. El hibrido que se utilizó fue Edisto producido por la empresa ESMERALD S.A. y distribuido en Ecuador por Ecuaquímica S.A. Los factores en estudio según el análisis de suelo fueron: tres niveles de fósforo, como fuente se utilizó fosfato di amónico (DAP), con niveles de 60, 80 y 100 kg /ha y dos productos comerciales correctores Humilig (ácido húmico al 25%), Kitasal (Oxido de calcio 9 % y ácidos polihidroxicarboxilicos al 18 %) en dosis de 0.5 l /ha aplicado vía foliar. Se empleó un delineamiento experimental de Bloques al Azar en Arreglo Factorial (3x4), con tres repeticiones. La mezcla de Humilig y Kitasal obtuvo los mejores resultados en todas las variables estudiadas. Así mismo el mayor peso de frutos totales y frutos sanos se consiguió con aplicación de ácidos húmicos y óxidos quelatados. El fósforo fue el menos absorbido por la planta en diferentes etapas de crecimiento. El potasio fue el macronutriente que en mayor porcentaje fue absorbido especialmente en la etapa de fructificación. La mejor alternativa desde el punto de vista económico fue la aplicación de fósforo 60 kg/ha y Humilig (0.5 l/ha) que reportó un Beneficio Neto de USD 4903.25 con costos variables de USD 359.05 que se reflejó en una tasa de retorno Marginal equivalente al 1028.96 %.
The main problems that Peninsula Santa Elena's cultures have to bear is the salinity, conscious of this problem that this region of the country has, a research has been developed in Rio Verde, field of practice of the Agrarian Sciences School that belongs to University State Peninsula of Santa Elena, located at the road Guayaquil-Santa Elena km 118. The main objective was to produce melon in water with high salinity using levels of Phosphate fertilization to the soil and the effect of enmender products. The hybrid that as used as Edisto, produced by the enterprise ESMERALD S.A. and distributed in Ecuador y Ecuaquimica. The factors in study according to soil analysis were. Three levels of phosphorus, as a source diammonic phosphate was used whit levels of 60, 80 and 100 kg/ha and were used two commercial corrector products like Humilig (Humic acid to 25 %), Kitasal (Calcium oxide 9% and Polihidroxicarboxilicos acid 18 %) in dose of 0.5 l/ha applied by foliar way. It was employed one experimental delineation of Blocks at random in Factorial Arrangement (3x4), with three repetitions The mixture of Humilig and Kitasal had the best results in all of the studied variables likewise, the biggest weight of fruits and healthy fruits was founded with application of humic acids and chelated the phosphorus was the less absorbed for the plant in different stages of growing. The potassium is the macronutrient which in biggest percentage was absorbed in the fructification stage. The best alternative of the economic point of view was the application of phosphorus 60 kg /ha and Humilig (N1 E1) which report a benefit net of USD 4903.25 with variable costs of USD 359.05 reflected in valuation of marginal return equivalent 1028%.
The main problems that Peninsula Santa Elena's cultures have to bear is the salinity, conscious of this problem that this region of the country has, a research has been developed in Rio Verde, field of practice of the Agrarian Sciences School that belongs to University State Peninsula of Santa Elena, located at the road Guayaquil-Santa Elena km 118. The main objective was to produce melon in water with high salinity using levels of Phosphate fertilization to the soil and the effect of enmender products. The hybrid that as used as Edisto, produced by the enterprise ESMERALD S.A. and distributed in Ecuador y Ecuaquimica. The factors in study according to soil analysis were. Three levels of phosphorus, as a source diammonic phosphate was used whit levels of 60, 80 and 100 kg/ha and were used two commercial corrector products like Humilig (Humic acid to 25 %), Kitasal (Calcium oxide 9% and Polihidroxicarboxilicos acid 18 %) in dose of 0.5 l/ha applied by foliar way. It was employed one experimental delineation of Blocks at random in Factorial Arrangement (3x4), with three repetitions The mixture of Humilig and Kitasal had the best results in all of the studied variables likewise, the biggest weight of fruits and healthy fruits was founded with application of humic acids and chelated the phosphorus was the less absorbed for the plant in different stages of growing. The potassium is the macronutrient which in biggest percentage was absorbed in the fructification stage. The best alternative of the economic point of view was the application of phosphorus 60 kg /ha and Humilig (N1 E1) which report a benefit net of USD 4903.25 with variable costs of USD 359.05 reflected in valuation of marginal return equivalent 1028%.
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