Relaciones interpersonales entre el personal profesional y auxiliar de enfermería en el Hospital Instituto Oncológico Nacional (SOLCA) de la ciudad de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería
El presente trabajo investigativo sobre las Relaciones Interpersonales entre el personal Profesional y Auxiliar de Enfermería, la población a estudiar fue el personal de enfermería: licenciadas(35) y auxiliares de enfermería(38), siendo la muestra un total de 73 personas, cuyo objetivo fue identificar las Relaciones Interpersonales entre el personal Profesional y Auxiliar de Enfermería, la misma que se realiza en el primer trimestre del año 2015; el tipo de estudio es descriptivo, de corte transversal, con un enfoque cuantitativo, formulando una encuesta a 73 trabajadoras/es del personal de enfermería obteniendo como resultado que el 48% corresponden a profesionales entre 31-40 años, el 48% de los encuestados son profesionales de enfermería, el 43% de los profesionales viene laborando en la institución entre 11 a 15 años, el 39% de las auxiliares de enfermerìa dicen que siempre existen malas relaciones interpersonales, el 47% manifiestan ser expresivos cuando no están de acuerdo con las decisiones tomadas, evidenciando que si se utiliza la comunicación no verbal, el 40% del personal de enfermería dice que pocas veces el clima laboral es agradable, manifiestan que esto depende del entorno, del personal de enfermería con el que estén laborando, el 49% de las/os profesionales de enfermerìa manifiestan que pocas veces demuestran buena disposición para resolver desacuerdos, 54% de las profesionales dice que siempre se evidencian conflictos por los diferentes modos de pensar y de actuar, demostrando así que existen factores situacionales, del entorno, culturales y relacionales que están interfiriendo en las relaciones interpersonales en el personal de enfermería, vemos como las diferentes situaciones tienen variados aspectos que influyen en la naturaleza de la comunicación, en las relaciones interpersonales
This research work on Relationships between professional and auxiliary nursing staff, the study population was nurses: Licensed (35) and nurses (38), the sample consists of 73 people, which aims It was identified Relationships between Professional staff and Nursing Assistant, the same as is done in the first quarter of 2015; the type of study is descriptive, cross-sectional, with a quantitative approach, formulating a survey of 73 workers / s of nurses resulting in that 48% are professionals between 31-40 years, 48% of respondents They are nurses, 43% of professionals is working in the institution between 11-15 years, 39% of nursing aides say there are always bad relationships, 47% report being expressive when they are not in accordance with the decisions taken, suggesting that if the non-verbal communication is used, 40% of nurses said they rarely work climate is pleasant, show that this depends on the environment, the nursing staff who are laboring, 49 % of the / os nurses say they rarely show willingness to resolve disagreements, 54% of professionals said that conflicts always different ways of thinking and acting are evident, showing that there are situational factors, the environment, cultural and relational that are interfering in interpersonal relationships in the nursing staff, we see different situations have different aspects that influence the nature of communication, interpersonal relations
This research work on Relationships between professional and auxiliary nursing staff, the study population was nurses: Licensed (35) and nurses (38), the sample consists of 73 people, which aims It was identified Relationships between Professional staff and Nursing Assistant, the same as is done in the first quarter of 2015; the type of study is descriptive, cross-sectional, with a quantitative approach, formulating a survey of 73 workers / s of nurses resulting in that 48% are professionals between 31-40 years, 48% of respondents They are nurses, 43% of professionals is working in the institution between 11-15 years, 39% of nursing aides say there are always bad relationships, 47% report being expressive when they are not in accordance with the decisions taken, suggesting that if the non-verbal communication is used, 40% of nurses said they rarely work climate is pleasant, show that this depends on the environment, the nursing staff who are laboring, 49 % of the / os nurses say they rarely show willingness to resolve disagreements, 54% of professionals said that conflicts always different ways of thinking and acting are evident, showing that there are situational factors, the environment, cultural and relational that are interfering in interpersonal relationships in the nursing staff, we see different situations have different aspects that influence the nature of communication, interpersonal relations
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