Encía artificial o mascara gingival para modificar la profundidad respecto al margen de la mucosa.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología.
El uso de encía artificial en las prótesis fijas se centra en
el diagnóstico y planificación del tratamiento, con
frecuencia, el tratamiento convencional de situaciones
complicadas puede desembocar en una restauración
definitiva poco estética. Con una planificación
apropiada que incorpore a lo largo de toda la
exploración clínica, un diagnóstico por imagen en tres
dimensiones, encerados y considerando siempre las
expectativas del paciente, un abordaje modificado de la
técnica de aumento de reborde alveolar, de la colocación
de la prótesis y de la reconstrucción protésica puede
llevarnos a una restauración ideal que incorpora encía
artificial. Las razones para incluir encía protésica en la
planificación de una prótesis fija es asegurar un
resultado estético en pacientes con importantes
deficiencias verticales y horizontales en el reborde
alveolar. Los procedimientos clínicos y de laboratorio
que intervienen en la fabricación de una prótesis con
encía artificial se basan en el correcto mantenimiento de
este tipo de restauraciones. El propósito de la presente
propuestas es describir el diagnostico y la planificación
y la realización de la encía artificial, que nos conduzca a
modificar la profundidad del margen de la mucosa
gingival previo a la adaptación de prótesis fija.
The use of artificial gums fixed prostheses focuses on the diagnosis and treatment planning, often, conventional treatment of complicated situations can lead to an unsightly final restoration. With proper planning that incorporates throughout the clinical examination, a diagnostic imaging in three dimensions, tarpaulins and ever mindful of the expectations of the patient, a modified approach to the technique of alveolar ridge augmentation, the placement of the prosthesis and prosthetic reconstruction can lead to a perfect restoration that incorporates artificial gum. The reasons for including gum prosthetic planning for a fixed prosthesis is to ensure an aesthetic result in patients with significant shortcomings in the vertical and horizontal alveolar ridge. The clinical and laboratory procedures involved in the manufacture of a prosthesis with artificial gums are based on proper maintenance of this type of restoration. The purpose of this proposal is to describe the diagnosis and the planning and realization of artificial gums, leading us to modify the depth of the gingival mucosal margin prior to the adjustment of fixed prosthesis
The use of artificial gums fixed prostheses focuses on the diagnosis and treatment planning, often, conventional treatment of complicated situations can lead to an unsightly final restoration. With proper planning that incorporates throughout the clinical examination, a diagnostic imaging in three dimensions, tarpaulins and ever mindful of the expectations of the patient, a modified approach to the technique of alveolar ridge augmentation, the placement of the prosthesis and prosthetic reconstruction can lead to a perfect restoration that incorporates artificial gum. The reasons for including gum prosthetic planning for a fixed prosthesis is to ensure an aesthetic result in patients with significant shortcomings in the vertical and horizontal alveolar ridge. The clinical and laboratory procedures involved in the manufacture of a prosthesis with artificial gums are based on proper maintenance of this type of restoration. The purpose of this proposal is to describe the diagnosis and the planning and realization of artificial gums, leading us to modify the depth of the gingival mucosal margin prior to the adjustment of fixed prosthesis
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