La concienciación ambiental como fuente educativa en el cuidado de nuestro entorno
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
En los tiempos actuales el medio ecológico se ha convertido en uno de los temas principales en
el mundo y en la sociedad en general, hemos avanzado en una era en donde la concientización
ambiental ha tomado el protagonismo y se ha convertido en un eje de desarrollo sostenible y
sustentable en las economías principales; el ser humano juega un rol necesario en la
conservación del hábitat ya que el mismo debe de aplicarse las medidas y normas, ambientales
que coadyuven la existencia del hombre y el planeta, la misma que debe empezar en los
estudiantes que apenas están comenzando a vivir, el cual debemos, inculcar el amor a la
ecología a los educandos el cual les permitirá que los mismos se interesen en aplicar las
buenas practicas amigables y saludables para el medio ambiente. Las entidades educativas han
tomado la iniciativa de incluir a la materia de Medio Ambiente en su maya curricular, los planes
y programas que cada vez están dirigidos a incentivar a los estudiantes a hacer conciencia
hacia el ambiente, proteger a la naturaleza, para ser los actores en este proceso social, que
empiecen desde muy pequeños y se debe seguir a lo largo de la vida para continuar con el
crecimiento de los ecosistemas. El objetivo de este proyecto es el de fortalecer los
conocimientos adquiridos para los estudiantes, que se integran al mundo de la educación
superior, son los que ingresan a primer año de la Carrera de Comercio Exterior de la Facultad
de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educacion, Universidad de Guayaquil. La implementación
de los talleres educativos para promover el cuidado ambiental en nuestro entorno, el mismo
que será de gran importancia para los estudiantes ya que podrán hacer uso de las buenas
prácticas ambientales para aplicarlas para su buen coexistir, además de lograr la
concientización ambiental y puedan vivir, en armonía con la naturaleza y con el planeta.
In the present times the ecological environment has become one of the main issues in the world and in society in general , we have moved into an era where environmental awareness has taken center stage and has become a hub of sustainable development and sustainable in major economies , the human being plays a necessary role in habitat conservation because it must apply the measures and standards , environmental that contribute the existence of man and the planet , the same as the students must begin just beginning to live , which we must instill a love of ecology learners which will allow that they are interested in applying good practices friendly and healthy for the environment. Educational institutions have taken the initiative to include the Environment in Maya curriculum , plans and programs that are aimed at increasing incentives for students to raise awareness towards the environment , protect nature, to be the actors in this social process , starting from a very young and should continue throughout life to continue the growth of ecosystems. The objective of this project is to strengthen the knowledge acquired for students who join the world of higher education are entering first grade of the Foreign Trade Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Sciences Education, University of Guayaquil. The implementation of educational workshops to promote environmental stewardship in our environment, it will be of great importance for students as they can make use of good environmental practices to apply for the proper co-exist , and to achieve environmental awareness and to live in harmony with nature and the planet.
In the present times the ecological environment has become one of the main issues in the world and in society in general , we have moved into an era where environmental awareness has taken center stage and has become a hub of sustainable development and sustainable in major economies , the human being plays a necessary role in habitat conservation because it must apply the measures and standards , environmental that contribute the existence of man and the planet , the same as the students must begin just beginning to live , which we must instill a love of ecology learners which will allow that they are interested in applying good practices friendly and healthy for the environment. Educational institutions have taken the initiative to include the Environment in Maya curriculum , plans and programs that are aimed at increasing incentives for students to raise awareness towards the environment , protect nature, to be the actors in this social process , starting from a very young and should continue throughout life to continue the growth of ecosystems. The objective of this project is to strengthen the knowledge acquired for students who join the world of higher education are entering first grade of the Foreign Trade Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Sciences Education, University of Guayaquil. The implementation of educational workshops to promote environmental stewardship in our environment, it will be of great importance for students as they can make use of good environmental practices to apply for the proper co-exist , and to achieve environmental awareness and to live in harmony with nature and the planet.
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