Estudio comparativo de las reabsorciones radiculares post-tratamiento ortodontico entre la técnica de Roth y técnica mbt
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología.
La reabsorción radicular es un proceso patológico de
origen multifactorial que parece tener una influencia
genética marcada y está muy relacionado con tratamientos
activos de ortodoncia.
Se deben diferenciar de manera clara, la reabsorción
patológica de los procesos de remodelación fisiológicos y
naturales que se presentan cuando se mueven los dientes.
Esta investigación se basa en realizar un estudio
comparativo en el cual se pueda validar si existe o no un
proceso de reabsorción radicular durante o después de
realizar un tratamiento ortodóntico.
La reabsorción radicular después del tratamiento
ortodóntico puede considerarse una reabsorción
superficial o una reabsorción inflamatoria transitoria y rara
vez se considera como una reabsorción por reemplazo
La finalidad de esta será determinar la incidencia de
reabsorciones radiculares en pacientes que serán
atendidos con tratamientos de ortodoncia los cuales se
analizaran en la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad
de Guayaquil para lo cual utilizaremos tablas estadísticas
y cuadros comparativos de estos pacientes antes y
después del tratamiento, cuyos resultados los
obtendremos en el transcurso de su estudio.
Root resorption is a multifactorial disease process that seems to have a strong genetic influence and is closely related to active orthodontic treatment. It should clearly differentiate the pathological resorption processes and natural physiological remodeling that occur when moving the teeth. This research is based on a comparative study in which to validate whether or not a process of root resorption during or after the orthodontic treatment. Root resorption after orthodontic treatment can be considered a superficial resorption or inflammatory resorption transient and rarely considered as a replacement resorption The purpose of this is to determine the incidence of root resorption in patients who are treated with orthodontic treatment which is analyzed in graduate school at the University of Guayaquil for which use statistical tables and comparison charts of these patients before and after treatment, the results we obtain in the course of his study
Root resorption is a multifactorial disease process that seems to have a strong genetic influence and is closely related to active orthodontic treatment. It should clearly differentiate the pathological resorption processes and natural physiological remodeling that occur when moving the teeth. This research is based on a comparative study in which to validate whether or not a process of root resorption during or after the orthodontic treatment. Root resorption after orthodontic treatment can be considered a superficial resorption or inflammatory resorption transient and rarely considered as a replacement resorption The purpose of this is to determine the incidence of root resorption in patients who are treated with orthodontic treatment which is analyzed in graduate school at the University of Guayaquil for which use statistical tables and comparison charts of these patients before and after treatment, the results we obtain in the course of his study
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