La obstrucción nasal y su relación con la compresión maxilar.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología.
La presencia de la respiración bucal en el paciente es una manifestación típica de la obstrucción nasal, con su incidencia directa en la compresión maxilar; es un factor relativamente común y puede resultar en una serie de cambios en el esqueleto facial, así como en maloclusiones. El tipo de respiración asociado a alteraciones en las estructuras dentofaciales ha sido considerado uno de los capítulos más polémicos en el campo de la ortodoncia. La respiración bucal constituye un síndrome que puede ser etiológicamente diagnosticado por causas obstructivas, por hábitos y por anatomía. Los que respiran por la boca por obstrucción son aquellos que presentan desviación del tabique nasal, cornetes agrandados, inflamación crónica, congestión de la mucosa faríngea, alergias e hipertrofia amigdalina. Quienes respiran por hábito mantienen esa forma de respiración aunque se les haya eliminado el obstáculo, convirtiéndose en respiradores bucales funcionales. Y los que lo hacen por razones anatómicas son aquellos cuyo labio superior corto les impide un cierre bilabial completo. Las características mencionadas de la respiración bucal producen en el niño alteraciones estéticas y funcionales. Considerando que en nuestro medio existe un elevado número de niños que presentan anomalías dentomaxilofaciales y que dentro de las causas que actúan está la respiración bucal, se realizó una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica, con la finalidad de demostrar el efecto que produce la respiración bucal sobre el desarrollo de maloclusiones, así como el comportamiento de las mismas según la edad y el sexo. Palabras claves: obstrucción nasal – compresión maxilar – respiración bucal – hábitos bucales.
The presence of mouth breathing patient is a typical manifestation of nasal obstruction, with its direct impact on the maxillary compression factor is a relatively common and can result in a number of changes in the facial skeleton as well as malocclusions. The type of breathing associated with alterations in dentofacialstructures, has been one of the most controversial in the field of orthodontics chapters. Mouth breathing is a syndrome that can be etiologically diagnosed obstructive causes, habits and anatomy, breathing through the mouth for obstruction are those having deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, chronic inflammation, congestion of the pharyngeal mucosa, allergies and tonsillar hypertrophy, and keep breathing habit breathing that way although they have removed the obstacle, becoming functional mouth breathers, and they do it for anatomical reasons are those whose short upper lip prevents them full bilabial closure. The above features of mouth breathing, place in the aesthetic and functional alterations child, considering that in our environment there is a high number of children with dentomaxilofaciales anomalies and that among the causes that act is mouth breathing, it is for this reason that a comprehensive literature review was conducted, in order to demonstrate the effect of the mouth breathing on the development of malocclusions, and the same behavior by age and sex. Eywords: obstruction nasal-compression jaw-mouth breathing-oral habits
The presence of mouth breathing patient is a typical manifestation of nasal obstruction, with its direct impact on the maxillary compression factor is a relatively common and can result in a number of changes in the facial skeleton as well as malocclusions. The type of breathing associated with alterations in dentofacialstructures, has been one of the most controversial in the field of orthodontics chapters. Mouth breathing is a syndrome that can be etiologically diagnosed obstructive causes, habits and anatomy, breathing through the mouth for obstruction are those having deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, chronic inflammation, congestion of the pharyngeal mucosa, allergies and tonsillar hypertrophy, and keep breathing habit breathing that way although they have removed the obstacle, becoming functional mouth breathers, and they do it for anatomical reasons are those whose short upper lip prevents them full bilabial closure. The above features of mouth breathing, place in the aesthetic and functional alterations child, considering that in our environment there is a high number of children with dentomaxilofaciales anomalies and that among the causes that act is mouth breathing, it is for this reason that a comprehensive literature review was conducted, in order to demonstrate the effect of the mouth breathing on the development of malocclusions, and the same behavior by age and sex. Eywords: obstruction nasal-compression jaw-mouth breathing-oral habits
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