Patología benigna de mama, propuesta educativa y protocolo de manejo Centro Ambulatorio del Seguro Social No. 40 Quevedo, enero a diciembre de 2010
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
Las patologías benignas de mama son aquellas alteraciones de la estructura de la glándula mamaria o lesiones de tamaño pequeño cuyas células no presentan signos de malignidad. La mama es un órgano complejo en el que participan el epitelio glandular, el tejido adiposo, el conectivo de sostén, músculos, vasos, nervios, y el revestimiento cutáneo, sus anexos estructuras todas que pueden originar tumores debido a los diversos tipos de neo formaciones que se desarrollan en ella. El objetivo central fue establecer y determinar la prevalencia de patología benigna de mama. Se realizo un estudio descriptivo, correlacional, de corte longitudinal no experimental. Utilizando cuestionario y entrevista individual a fondo para la recolección de la información, en donde se observa una prevalencia de lesiones benignas de mama del 90%, la mama derecha fue la más afectada en un 56%. La patología más frecuente en nuestro estudio es el fribroadenoma con el 37,78%; seguido por los quistes 34,44%; mastopatia fribroquistica con el 11,11%; estasis ductal mas quiste con el 5,56%; adenosis con el 2,22% y procesos inflamatorios el 5,56%; un 34% de relación en antecedentes familiares de padecimientos de patología benigna de mama y su estrecha relación con los hábitos de las pacientes en especial con el consumo de café presente en un 22%. Por lo anteriormente expuesto recomendamos la aplicación de la propuesta diseñada para la prevención de patología benigna de mama a quienes acuden al Centro Ambulatorio IESS nª 40 de Quevedo.
Benign breast diseases are those alterations of the structure of the mammary gland or small lesions whose cells have no signs of malignancy. The breast is a complex organ involving the glandular epithelium, adipose tissue, the supporting connective, muscles, vessels, nerves, and skin coating, its annexes all structures that can cause tumors due to various types of neo formations that develop it. The main objective was to establish and determine the prevalence of benign breast disease. We performed a descriptive, correlational, not experimental slitting. Using questionnaire and individual interview to collect background information, where there is a prevalence of benign breast lesions of 90%, the right breast was the most affected at 56%. The most common pathology in our study is the fribroadenoma with 37.78%, followed by 34.44% cysts, mastitis fribroquistica with 11.11% more cyst with ductal stasis 5.56%; adenosis with 2 , 22% and 5.56% inflammatory processes, 34% of relationships in a family history of benign diseases of the breast and its close relationship with the habits of the patients especially present coffee consumption by 22%. For the foregoing reasons we recommend the implementation of the proposal designed to prevent benign breast pathology who attend the nth IESS Outpatient 40 of Quevedo.
Benign breast diseases are those alterations of the structure of the mammary gland or small lesions whose cells have no signs of malignancy. The breast is a complex organ involving the glandular epithelium, adipose tissue, the supporting connective, muscles, vessels, nerves, and skin coating, its annexes all structures that can cause tumors due to various types of neo formations that develop it. The main objective was to establish and determine the prevalence of benign breast disease. We performed a descriptive, correlational, not experimental slitting. Using questionnaire and individual interview to collect background information, where there is a prevalence of benign breast lesions of 90%, the right breast was the most affected at 56%. The most common pathology in our study is the fribroadenoma with 37.78%, followed by 34.44% cysts, mastitis fribroquistica with 11.11% more cyst with ductal stasis 5.56%; adenosis with 2 , 22% and 5.56% inflammatory processes, 34% of relationships in a family history of benign diseases of the breast and its close relationship with the habits of the patients especially present coffee consumption by 22%. For the foregoing reasons we recommend the implementation of the proposal designed to prevent benign breast pathology who attend the nth IESS Outpatient 40 of Quevedo.
Palabras clave
Enfermedades de la mama, Protocolos, Salud pública, Centro Ambulatorio del IESS no. 40, Cantón Quevedo, Ecuador