Los estilos de comunicación intrafamiliar influyen en la conducta agresiva de los niños de 7 a 8 años de la Escuela Fiscal Mixta No.183 Emma Esperanza Ortíz Bermeo, de la ciudad de Guayaquil en el año lectivo 2011-2012
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas
El siguiente trabajo se desarrolló con el propósito de resaltar la importancia de núcleo familiar, como la primera fuente de valores y principios, el primer ambiente de aprendizaje de cada niño y niña en la sociedad y el mundo. Cada etapa de la vida es importante para el ser humano, las primeras de ellas, se consideran esenciales, para un adecuado crecimiento personal, en especial, por requerir de bases sustentables de atención a sus necesidades fisiológicas, de seguridad, estima y autorrealización, creciendo como personas íntegras. La familia es un espacio de convivencia y aprendizaje para el cambio social, quienes dirigen las familias deben generar una convivencia abierta y democrática donde todas las personas que la forman tienen iguales derechos y muestran respeto a sus opiniones y divergencias. Por lo cual se planteo conocer cómo influyen los estilos de comunicación intrafamiliar en la conducta agresiva de los niños. El tipo de estudio es de carácter correlacional, es una investigación cuanti-cualitativa, la muestra es no probabilística y consta de 30 niños de 7 a 8 años, se realizó la selección por medio de la muestra de casos tipo. Los instrumentos que se utilizaron para recoger la información son el dibujo libre, cuestionario y la observación. Partiendo de la recopilación de datos, las estadísticas revelaron que un alto porcentaje de los niños con conductas agresivas viven en hogares donde prevalece el estilo de comunicación intrafamiliar agresivo. El siguiente trabajo tiene el propósito de demostrar la importancia que tienen los estilos de comunicación intrafamiliar en la formación integral del niño porque la familia es el primer vínculo para recibir amor, comunicación, comprensión y atención que requiere todo ser humano para lograr esa integridad como persona. Los principales beneficiarios de esta investigación serán los niños, padres de familia y en general la comunidad educativa.
The following work is carried out in order to highlight the importance of the nuclear family as the primary source of values and principles, the first learning environment for every child in society and the world. Each stage of life is important for humans, the first of which are considered essential for proper personal growth, in particular by requiring sustainable basis care to their physiological needs, safety, esteem and self-actualization, growing as whole people. The family is a living space and learning for social change, who run families should create an open and democratic coexistence where all people who form have equal rights and show respect for their opinions and differences. For I was raised to know how they influence family communication styles in aggressive behavior of children. The type of study is correlational nature, is a quantitative and qualitative research, the sample is not probabilistic and has 30 children from 7 to 8 years, the selection was made by the sample type cases. The instruments used to collect information are free drawing, questionnaire and observation. Based on data collection, statistics revealed that a high percentage of children with aggressive behaviors live in homes where domestic communication aggressive style prevails. The following paper aims to demonstrate the importance of styles of family communication in the formation of the child because the family is the first link for love, communication, understanding and attention required every human being to achieve such integrity as a person . The main beneficiaries of this research will be children, parents and the educational community in general.
The following work is carried out in order to highlight the importance of the nuclear family as the primary source of values and principles, the first learning environment for every child in society and the world. Each stage of life is important for humans, the first of which are considered essential for proper personal growth, in particular by requiring sustainable basis care to their physiological needs, safety, esteem and self-actualization, growing as whole people. The family is a living space and learning for social change, who run families should create an open and democratic coexistence where all people who form have equal rights and show respect for their opinions and differences. For I was raised to know how they influence family communication styles in aggressive behavior of children. The type of study is correlational nature, is a quantitative and qualitative research, the sample is not probabilistic and has 30 children from 7 to 8 years, the selection was made by the sample type cases. The instruments used to collect information are free drawing, questionnaire and observation. Based on data collection, statistics revealed that a high percentage of children with aggressive behaviors live in homes where domestic communication aggressive style prevails. The following paper aims to demonstrate the importance of styles of family communication in the formation of the child because the family is the first link for love, communication, understanding and attention required every human being to achieve such integrity as a person . The main beneficiaries of this research will be children, parents and the educational community in general.
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