Estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo en el desarrollo de las habilidades socio-afectivas de los estudiantes del Séptimo Año Básico de la Escuela Othón Castillo Vélez
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas
La investigación es de suma relevancia porque al generar este aprendizaje, los estudiantes pueden tener éxito en el aspecto socio-emocional, evidenciándose la confianza, generosidad, motivación, autoestima, resolución de conflictos, tolerancia, respeto; procesos que promueven personas seguras, con una personalidad sana y estable. La razón de este hecho estriba en que los educandos están más cerca entre sí, comparten gustos e intereses mejorando su desarrollo individual y afectivo dentro del marco social.
Metodológicamente este trabajo se sustenta en un diseño de investigación explicativa y descriptiva, tipo de investigación cualitativa centrada en bases teóricas y apreciaciones de la realidad, con aplicación cuantitativa en lo concerniente a los instrumentos de medición que clarifica los resultados obtenidos; exhibe un estudio observacional, con sus métodos: inductivo-deductivo, analítico-sintético, y con sus respectivas técnicas e instrumentos: guía de observación y encuesta. La muestra representativa corresponde al 33% de la población total de los maestros, padres de familia y estudiantes del Séptimo Año de Educación Básica de la Escuela “Othón Castillo Vélez”, de la ciudad de Guayaquil.
Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación comprueban el desconocimiento y la deficiente implementación de las estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo por parte de la mayoría de los docentes, quienes declaran implícitamente en las encuestas que no renuevan constantemente sus estrategias de orientación del aprendizaje, por su poco interés de asistencia a los cursos de actualización ofertados por el Ministerio de Educación.
Research is extremely important because when generating this learning, students can succeed in the socio-emotional aspect, demonstrating trust, generosity, motivation, self-esteem, conflict resolution, tolerance, respect; processes that promote safe people, with a healthy and stable personality. The reason for this is that the students are closer to each other, share tastes and interests improving their individual and emotional development within the social framework. Methodologically this paper is based on a design of descriptive and explanatory research type qualitative research focused on theoretical bases and insights of reality, quantitative application with regard to measuring instruments that clarifies the results obtained; It exhibits an observational study, with its methods: inductive-deductive, analytic-synthetic, and their respective techniques and instruments: observation guide and survey. The representative sample corresponds to 33% of the total population of teachers, parents and students Seventh Year Basic Education "Othón Castillo Velez" School in the city of Guayaquil. The results of the research prove ignorance and poor implementation of cooperative learning strategies by most teachers, who declare implicitly in surveys that do not constantly renew their strategies learning orientation, for their lack of interest attending refresher courses offered by the Ministry of Education
Research is extremely important because when generating this learning, students can succeed in the socio-emotional aspect, demonstrating trust, generosity, motivation, self-esteem, conflict resolution, tolerance, respect; processes that promote safe people, with a healthy and stable personality. The reason for this is that the students are closer to each other, share tastes and interests improving their individual and emotional development within the social framework. Methodologically this paper is based on a design of descriptive and explanatory research type qualitative research focused on theoretical bases and insights of reality, quantitative application with regard to measuring instruments that clarifies the results obtained; It exhibits an observational study, with its methods: inductive-deductive, analytic-synthetic, and their respective techniques and instruments: observation guide and survey. The representative sample corresponds to 33% of the total population of teachers, parents and students Seventh Year Basic Education "Othón Castillo Velez" School in the city of Guayaquil. The results of the research prove ignorance and poor implementation of cooperative learning strategies by most teachers, who declare implicitly in surveys that do not constantly renew their strategies learning orientation, for their lack of interest attending refresher courses offered by the Ministry of Education
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