Prevención del embarazo subsecuente en adolescentes, Centro de Salud de Catamayo 2010
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
El inicio de vida sexual activa se lleva a cabo cada vez más temprano enfrentándose las adolescentes a estas relaciones sin ninguna preparación, pues no cuentan con una educación sexual estructurada y además no se acompaña del uso adecuado de métodos anticonceptivos, resultando un alto porcentaje de embarazos no planificados subsecuentes durante la adolescencia los cuales contribuyen al incremento en las tasas de Morbimortalidad materno - infantil. El objetivo central del estudio fue explorar los factores que condicionan la prevalencia de embarazos subsecuentes en adolescentes y el uso de anticoncepción. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal utilizando cuestionario y entrevista individual a fondo para la recolección de la información. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que el 27,43% de los embarazos que se presentaron en el área de Catamayo durante el 2010 fueron en adolescentes, de éstos el 37,86% fueron embarazos subsecuentes y el 62,14% fueron embarazos adolescentes por primera vez. La mayoría de los embarazos subsecuentes se presentaron luego de los 16 años. Solamente el 11% de la población adolescente con embarazo subsecuente tenía algún conocimiento sobre los métodos anticonceptivos y los usaron alguna vez. El 74% de la población dejó sus estudios, solamente el 10% continúa estudiando y el 12% se encuentran trabajando. Por lo anteriormente expuesto recomendamos la aplicación de la propuesta diseñada para la prevención del embarazo subsecuente en las adolescentes que acuden al Centro de Salud de Catamayo, lo cual beneficiará a las adolescentes en su salud y proyectos de vida y a la comunidad al disminuir los casos de embarazos subsecuentes en adolescentes; por tanto, mejorarán las condiciones de desarrollo de la población.
The onset of sexual activity takes place increasingly facing early adolescents to these relationships without any preparation, they do not have a well structured sex education is not accompanied by the proper use of contraception, resulting in a high percentage of pregnancies subsequent unplanned during adolescence which contribute to increased maternal morbidity and mortality rates - children. The main objective of the study was to explore the factors that influence the prevalence of subsequent pregnancies in adolescents and the use of contraception. We performed a cross-sectional study using questionnaire and individual interview to collect background information. The results showed that 27.43% of pregnancies that occurred in the area during 2010 Catamayenses were teenagers, they were 37.86% subsequent pregnancies and teenage pregnancies 62.14% were first . Most subsequent pregnancies occurred after age 16. Only 11% of adolescents with subsequent pregnancy had some knowledge about contraception and ever used. 74% of the population left school, only 10% still studying and 12% are working. For the foregoing reasons we recommend the implementation of the proposal designed to prevent subsequent pregnancy in adolescent girls who come to the Health Center Catamayenses, which will benefit your health and adolescent life plans and the community to reduce cases of subsequent pregnancies in adolescents, therefore, will improve the development of the population.
The onset of sexual activity takes place increasingly facing early adolescents to these relationships without any preparation, they do not have a well structured sex education is not accompanied by the proper use of contraception, resulting in a high percentage of pregnancies subsequent unplanned during adolescence which contribute to increased maternal morbidity and mortality rates - children. The main objective of the study was to explore the factors that influence the prevalence of subsequent pregnancies in adolescents and the use of contraception. We performed a cross-sectional study using questionnaire and individual interview to collect background information. The results showed that 27.43% of pregnancies that occurred in the area during 2010 Catamayenses were teenagers, they were 37.86% subsequent pregnancies and teenage pregnancies 62.14% were first . Most subsequent pregnancies occurred after age 16. Only 11% of adolescents with subsequent pregnancy had some knowledge about contraception and ever used. 74% of the population left school, only 10% still studying and 12% are working. For the foregoing reasons we recommend the implementation of the proposal designed to prevent subsequent pregnancy in adolescent girls who come to the Health Center Catamayenses, which will benefit your health and adolescent life plans and the community to reduce cases of subsequent pregnancies in adolescents, therefore, will improve the development of the population.
Palabras clave
Embarazo en adolescencia, Medicina preventiva, Planificación familiar, Centro de Salud de Catamayo, Cantón Catamayo, Ecuador