Desarrollo del pensamiento lógico matemático para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en los estudiantes de cuarto año de educación básica
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Universidad de Guayquil. Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas
Como explicar el funcionamiento del pensamiento lógico matemático, es la pregunta que guía esta investigación, para ello se ha buscado en test y experimentos en que los sujetos estén obligados a pensar, puedan ser observados y extraer información de los factores que intervengan en dichas situaciones. El psicólogo debe descubrir hechos, explicarlos y poder establecer comprobaciones empíricas que puedan generalizar a la conducta humana. En el pensamiento lógico-matemático, como en todo tipo de pensamiento, las nociones o conceptos son un factor esencial, porque nosotros situamos lo que percibimos rápidamente usando conceptos preelaborados. El desconocimiento de principios del pensamiento lógico ayuda a entender algunas de las conductas típicas de los alumnos en tareas de aprendizaje. Bajo esta consideración, la enseñanza de la ciencia se debe contextualizar acorde a las realidades de los estudiantes, a sus entornos inmediatos, en los que ellos puedan intervenir creando y solucionando problemas de la vida cotidiana; desarrollando la capacidad de realizar aprendizajes significativos por sí solo, es así que los recursos didácticos físicos proporcionan experiencias individuales irrepetibles, conducen a procesos genuinos de construcción del conocimiento, dan lugar a situaciones cognitivas más avanzadas y a estados más completos de comprensión de los conocimientos correspondientes en una amplia gama de situaciones y circunstancias (aprender a aprender). Con todos estos componentes se hace un análisis sobre el pensamiento, el pensamiento lógico matemático y la relación de este último con el proceso de aprendizaje, junto con las relaciones entre las matemáticas y los procedimientos lógicos del pensamiento. También se elabora un propuesta de intervención que permite desarrollar el pensamiento lógico-matemático para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y con ello generar motivaciones, responsabilidad, independencia, involucramiento afectivo y desarrollo de recursos y potencialidades en estudiantes de educación básica
How to explain the operation of mathematical logical thinking, it is the question that guides this research, for it has been sought in tests and experiments in which subjects are forced to think, to be observed and extract information from the factors involved in such situations. The psychologist must discover facts, explain and to establish empirical findings that can be generalized to human behavior. In the logical-mathematical thinking, as in all kinds of thought, notions or concepts are an essential factor, because we find ourselves what we perceive quickly using prebuilt concepts. Ignorance of principles of logical thinking helps to understand some of the typical behaviors of students in learning tasks. Under this consideration, the teaching of science must be contextualized according to the realities of the students, their immediate surroundings, where they can intervene creating and solving problems of everyday life; developing the capacity to make meaningful learning alone is so physical educational resources provide unrepeatable individual experiences, lead to genuine processes of construction of knowledge, leading to more advanced cognitive situations and most complete state of understanding of the relevant knowledge a wide range of situations and circumstances (learning to learn). With all these components an analysis of the thinking, logical thinking and mathematical relation of the latter with the learning process, along with the relationships between mathematics and logical thinking becomes procedures. one intervention proposal that allows develop logical-mathematical learning of mathematics thought and thus generate motivation, responsibility, independence, emotional involvement and development of resources and potential in basic education students also made
How to explain the operation of mathematical logical thinking, it is the question that guides this research, for it has been sought in tests and experiments in which subjects are forced to think, to be observed and extract information from the factors involved in such situations. The psychologist must discover facts, explain and to establish empirical findings that can be generalized to human behavior. In the logical-mathematical thinking, as in all kinds of thought, notions or concepts are an essential factor, because we find ourselves what we perceive quickly using prebuilt concepts. Ignorance of principles of logical thinking helps to understand some of the typical behaviors of students in learning tasks. Under this consideration, the teaching of science must be contextualized according to the realities of the students, their immediate surroundings, where they can intervene creating and solving problems of everyday life; developing the capacity to make meaningful learning alone is so physical educational resources provide unrepeatable individual experiences, lead to genuine processes of construction of knowledge, leading to more advanced cognitive situations and most complete state of understanding of the relevant knowledge a wide range of situations and circumstances (learning to learn). With all these components an analysis of the thinking, logical thinking and mathematical relation of the latter with the learning process, along with the relationships between mathematics and logical thinking becomes procedures. one intervention proposal that allows develop logical-mathematical learning of mathematics thought and thus generate motivation, responsibility, independence, emotional involvement and development of resources and potential in basic education students also made
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