Caracterización de factores de riesgo asociados a la hipercolesterolemia en personas mayores de 40 años
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
Se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada en una población urbana abierta, de nivel económico medio, que proceden de las diferentes provincias del País. El estudio se realizó con 160 personas de sexo femenino y masculino con edades comprendidas desde los 40 años siendo todos pacientes ambulantes de los Servicios de Consulta externa del Hospital Naval de Guayaquil y del Dispensario médico de la Escuela Politécnica del Litoral.
Se determinó que la Prevalencia obtenida es de 45,7 % por cada 1000 pacientes atendidos, siendo esta cifra alta pues hace referencia que de cada 1000 personas 45 de ellas tienen el colesterol patológicamente elevado. Los casos de sexo femenino son mayores ya que equivalen al
54 %, mientras que los de sexo masculino tienen un 46 %.
En tanto en el grupo etáreo los más afectados son de 40 - 45 años con un porcentaje de 18,1, seguido de las edades entre 56 - 60 años con el 17,5. En Procedencia se encontró que Guayas tiene un porcentaje mayor de afectados siendo el 56,9 % seguido de la provincia de Los Ríos con 10,6 %.En el diagnóstico bioquímico, la glucosa tiene su media muy elevada y con esto se demostró que existe una gran afinidad para producir trastornos patológicos junto con el colesterol y los triglicéridos , también en ambos sexos el porcentaje de Dislipidemia es muy notable sobretodo es mayor si hay más de una patología.
The results of an investigation are presented carried out in a population urban open, of half economic level that come from the different counties of the Country. The study was carried out with 160 people of feminine and masculine sex with ages understood from the 40 years being all traveling patients of the Services of external Consultation of the Naval Hospital of Guayaquil and of the medical Clinic of the Polytechnic School of the Coast. It was determined that the obtained Prevalencia is of 45,7% for each 1000 assisted patients, being this high figure because it makes reference that of each 1000 people 45 of them they have the high cholesterol pathologically. The cases of feminine sex they are bigger since they are equal to 54%, while those of masculine sex have 46%. As long as in the group “etáreo” those most affected ones are of 40 - 45 years with a percentage of 18,1, followed by the ages among 56 - 60 years with the 17,5. In Origin it was found that Guayas has a big percentage of affected people, being 56,9% followed by the county of “Los Ríos” with 10,6%. En the biochemical diagnosis, the glucose has its high average and with this it was demonstrated that a great likeness exists to produce dysfunctions pathological together with the cholesterol and the thriglicerids, also in both sexes the percentage of Dislipidemy is very remarkable overalls it is bigger if there is more than a pathology.
The results of an investigation are presented carried out in a population urban open, of half economic level that come from the different counties of the Country. The study was carried out with 160 people of feminine and masculine sex with ages understood from the 40 years being all traveling patients of the Services of external Consultation of the Naval Hospital of Guayaquil and of the medical Clinic of the Polytechnic School of the Coast. It was determined that the obtained Prevalencia is of 45,7% for each 1000 assisted patients, being this high figure because it makes reference that of each 1000 people 45 of them they have the high cholesterol pathologically. The cases of feminine sex they are bigger since they are equal to 54%, while those of masculine sex have 46%. As long as in the group “etáreo” those most affected ones are of 40 - 45 years with a percentage of 18,1, followed by the ages among 56 - 60 years with the 17,5. In Origin it was found that Guayas has a big percentage of affected people, being 56,9% followed by the county of “Los Ríos” with 10,6%. En the biochemical diagnosis, the glucose has its high average and with this it was demonstrated that a great likeness exists to produce dysfunctions pathological together with the cholesterol and the thriglicerids, also in both sexes the percentage of Dislipidemy is very remarkable overalls it is bigger if there is more than a pathology.
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