Importancia de la higiene bucal en neonatos
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
La investigación titulada importancia de la higiene bucal en neonatos es de interés social debido a que el bebé debe mantener un cuidado y ser higienizado desde que nace para poder prevenir enfermedades orales a futuro. En la presente investigación se abordaron temas como la enseñanza de la higiene bucal,
la transmibilidad de la caries dental, el cepillo dental, mostrando una correcta técnica del cepillado y el uso de otros elementos de limpieza como son los enjuagues bucales y el hilo dental con lo cual se mejorara los hábitos de higiene oral de los niños previniendo así la formación de caries, y acumulación de placa la cual dará como resultado problemas periodontales como la gingivitis. La metodología que se aplicó para la investigación fue de tipo investigativa utilizando plataformas y adquiriendo dicha información en artículos científicos, artículos de revistas, libros, sitios web, etc. La información recolectada determinó que la higiene bucal en nuestros niños es de vital importancia para un crecimiento óptimo y libre de enfermedades bucales. Concluyendo que el factor causante es la falta de conocimientos sobre la higiene dental correcta. Por lo que se recomienda la educación sobre higiene dental, sus consecuencias y tratamientos. Entonces se puede concluir que este estudio permitirá concientizar sobre la necesidad de la educación en la Higienización del bebé.
The research entitled importance of oral hygiene in newborns is of social interest because the baby must maintain care and be hygienized from birth in order to prevent oral diseases in the future. In the present investigation, topics such as the teaching of oral hygiene, the transmissibility of dental caries, the toothbrush, showing a correct brushing technique and the use of other cleaning elements such as mouthwashes and dental floss were addressed. which will improve the oral hygiene habits of children, thus preventing the formation of cavities, and accumulation of plaque which will result in periodontal problems such as gingivitis. The methodology that was applied for the investigation was of an investigative type using platforms and acquiring said information in scientific articles, magazine articles, books, websites, etc. The information collected determined that oral hygiene in our children is of vital importance for optimal growth and freedom from oral diseases. Concluding that the causative factor is the lack of knowledge about proper dental hygiene. Therefore, education on dental hygiene, its consequences and treatments is recommended. So it can be concluded that this study will raise awareness of the need for education in baby hygiene.
The research entitled importance of oral hygiene in newborns is of social interest because the baby must maintain care and be hygienized from birth in order to prevent oral diseases in the future. In the present investigation, topics such as the teaching of oral hygiene, the transmissibility of dental caries, the toothbrush, showing a correct brushing technique and the use of other cleaning elements such as mouthwashes and dental floss were addressed. which will improve the oral hygiene habits of children, thus preventing the formation of cavities, and accumulation of plaque which will result in periodontal problems such as gingivitis. The methodology that was applied for the investigation was of an investigative type using platforms and acquiring said information in scientific articles, magazine articles, books, websites, etc. The information collected determined that oral hygiene in our children is of vital importance for optimal growth and freedom from oral diseases. Concluding that the causative factor is the lack of knowledge about proper dental hygiene. Therefore, education on dental hygiene, its consequences and treatments is recommended. So it can be concluded that this study will raise awareness of the need for education in baby hygiene.
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