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Universidad de Guayaquil-Facultad de Ciencias Psicologicas
Las demandas psicológicas, representan el pedido de ayuda de una persona frente a un profesional clínico para orientar la atención que recibe hacia la búsqueda de una salida o cese de su sufrimiento. El objetivo de la investigación es caracterizar las demandas psicológicas haciendo énfasis en la perspectiva particular de las personas atendidas, mediante un estudio cualitativo, a través del método de teoría fundamentada de diseño emergente, con una perspectiva fenomenológica-retrospectiva. Durante la ejecución del proyecto de atención psicológica comunitaria, se registraron 381 casos en historias clínicas y registros de sesiones; posteriormente se realizó el análisis documental de la información recogida mediante varios instrumentos. La muestra orientada hacia la investigación cualitativa concentró en tres grupos etarios 111 casos – 40 niños, 39 adolescentes y 32 adultos – quienes presentaron demandas psicológicas manifiesta y latente en la atención. Las demandas se categorizaron y codificaron de manera abierta. RESULTADOS: se identificaron demandas que no son acordes a las reportadas en los servicios de atención psicológica públicos del Distrito; los alcances de la atención psicológica comunitaria permiten iniciar procesos psicoterapéuticos y de acompañamiento al favorecer la reflexión e ‗insight‘, las demandas latentes tienen características delimitadas. DISCUSIÓN: La caracterización de las demanda psicológica manifiestas y sobre todo las latentes, es definitiva para profundizar y re-pensar las características y ejes de tratamiento e intervención tanto individual como grupal de la población en un espacio horizontal, abierto, y de respeto a las particularidades del paciente/usuario posibilitan el profundizar en el malestar más subjetivo
Psychological demands represent the request for help from a person in front of a clinical professional to orient the attention they receive towards the search for an exit or cessation of their suffering. The objective of the research is to characterize the psychological demands with emphasis on the particular perspective of the people heeded, through a qualitative study, through the method of grounded theory of emergent design, with a phenomenological-retrospective perspective. During the implementation of the community psychological care project, 381 cases were registered in clinical histories and session logs; subsequently a documentary analysis of the registered information was carried out, through several instruments. The sample oriented towards qualitative research concentrated in three age groups 111 cases - 40 children, 39 adolescents and 32 adults - they presented manifest and latent psychological demands on attention. The demands were categorized and coded openly. RESULTS: the identified demands are not consistent with those reported in public services counseling District. The scope of community psychological attention allows us to initiate psychotherapeutic and accompanying processes by favoring reflection and 'insight'; latent demands have defined characteristics. DISCUSSION: The characterization of manifest psychological demands, and especially latent ones, is definitive to deepen and re-think the characteristics and axes of treatment and intervention both individual and group intervention of the population in a horizontal and open space of respect the particularities of the patient/user make it possible to deep into the most subjective sufferin
Psychological demands represent the request for help from a person in front of a clinical professional to orient the attention they receive towards the search for an exit or cessation of their suffering. The objective of the research is to characterize the psychological demands with emphasis on the particular perspective of the people heeded, through a qualitative study, through the method of grounded theory of emergent design, with a phenomenological-retrospective perspective. During the implementation of the community psychological care project, 381 cases were registered in clinical histories and session logs; subsequently a documentary analysis of the registered information was carried out, through several instruments. The sample oriented towards qualitative research concentrated in three age groups 111 cases - 40 children, 39 adolescents and 32 adults - they presented manifest and latent psychological demands on attention. The demands were categorized and coded openly. RESULTS: the identified demands are not consistent with those reported in public services counseling District. The scope of community psychological attention allows us to initiate psychotherapeutic and accompanying processes by favoring reflection and 'insight'; latent demands have defined characteristics. DISCUSSION: The characterization of manifest psychological demands, and especially latent ones, is definitive to deepen and re-think the characteristics and axes of treatment and intervention both individual and group intervention of the population in a horizontal and open space of respect the particularities of the patient/user make it possible to deep into the most subjective sufferin
Palabras clave
caracterización de demanda psicológica, atención psicológica comunitaria, teoría fundamentada