Determinacion del nivel de concentracion de mercurio en especies de atun de exportación
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
El Mercurio es uno de los metales que se encuentra en el ambiente en forma natural o como resultado de las actividades del hombre. La importancia de estudiar y determinar su concentración en los productos de origen acuático que van a ser consumidos por el hombre se debe a su propiedad de bioacumularse.
Durante el presente estudio realizado en el Laboratorio de Análisis de Alimentos de la División de Control de Calidad e Inspección de Productos Pesqueros del Instituto Nacional de Pesca de Guayaquil, Ecuador, se determinó la concentración de Mercurio en tres especies de atún comercial capturados durante 1999 y 2000, los datos obtenidos fueron analizados estadísticamente encontrándose rangos de 0.10 a 0.60ppm para el Yellowfin, 0.14 a 0.68ppm para el Bigeye y 0.10 a 0.39ppm para el Skipjack, rangos que se encuentran dentro de las normas nacionales (INEN 184) e internacionales (FDA) de contenido de Mercurio en Atunes.
Además se compararon dos técnicas diferentes de análisis, la espectrofotometría de Absorción Atómica y el método estándar de la AOAC, encontrándose mayor sensibilidad en la técnica de absorción atómica.
Mercury is a metal found naturally in the environment or as a result of human activity. Concern of studying and determining its concentration in sea products to be consumed by man is due to its bioacumulation feature. During the current study, carried out in the Food Analysis Laboratory of The Quality Control and Inspection of Fishery Products Division of the National Fisheries Institute of Guayaquil – Ecuador, concentration of Mercury in three commercial tuna fish species catched during 1999 and 2000 was determined. Results were statistically analised finding ranges from 0.10 to 0.60ppm in yellowfin, 0.14 to 0.68ppm in bigeye and 0.10 to 0.39ppm in skipjack. These ranges comply with the National (INEN # 184) and international (FDA) regulations for Mercury content in tuna fish. Further more, two different analytical techniques were compared, Atomic Absortion spectrometry and the standard method of the AOAC, a higher sensitivity was found using Atomic absortion technique.
Mercury is a metal found naturally in the environment or as a result of human activity. Concern of studying and determining its concentration in sea products to be consumed by man is due to its bioacumulation feature. During the current study, carried out in the Food Analysis Laboratory of The Quality Control and Inspection of Fishery Products Division of the National Fisheries Institute of Guayaquil – Ecuador, concentration of Mercury in three commercial tuna fish species catched during 1999 and 2000 was determined. Results were statistically analised finding ranges from 0.10 to 0.60ppm in yellowfin, 0.14 to 0.68ppm in bigeye and 0.10 to 0.39ppm in skipjack. These ranges comply with the National (INEN # 184) and international (FDA) regulations for Mercury content in tuna fish. Further more, two different analytical techniques were compared, Atomic Absortion spectrometry and the standard method of the AOAC, a higher sensitivity was found using Atomic absortion technique.
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