Difusión del proceso de reciclaje y el conocimiento de la reutilización de materiales sólidos en los estudiantes de 6to de básica, de la escuela fiscal # 329 Jorge Guzmán Ortega de la ciudad de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
La contaminación del medio ambiente en la actualidad es una problemática que no solo afecta al medio ambiente, sino también el entorno donde convive el ser humano, este factor se debe al poco conocimiento, fomento, motivación y costumbre ante este problema, a pesar de esto las personas hacen caso omiso de ello, ya sea por falta de costumbre y desconocimientos del tema, pero también existen personas encaminadas en buscar de remediar este problema de la contaminación del ambiente. Hace pocos años atrás se hace presente el proceso de reciclaje como una opción que busca de a poco sustentar el daño que sufre el ambiente, por el consumismo del ser humano, por alimentos con demasiadas envolturas y productos con envases no retornables, haciendo que estos luego se conviertan en desechos sólidos contaminantes del ambiente y que se van generando a diario, el reciclaje trata de dar otro tipo de utilidad a varios de estos desechos sólidos contaminantes. En la actualidad no todas las escuelas ponen en práctica la enseñanza del proceso de reciclaje como solución ambiental, ya sea como información y práctica adicional en sus método de enseñanza, debiendo considerar esta opción como información significativa que logrará motivar y concienciar a los estudiantes que adopten desde temprana edad el hábito de reciclar beneficiando su porvenir y la contribución con el medio ambiente para las nuevas generaciones.
Environmental pollution today is a problem that affects not only the environment but also the environment where it coexists humans, this factor is due to little knowledge, capacity, motivation and practice to this problem, although this people ignore it, either out of habit and unknowns about it, but there are also people intended to seek to remedy this problem of environmental pollution. A few years ago is present recycling process as an option you are looking for a little sustaining the damage to the environment, for human consumption, food wrappers and products with too many non-returnable containers, causing them then become environmental pollutants and solid wastes that are generated daily, recycling is useful to other several of these contaminants solid waste. Today not all schools implemented the teaching of the recycling process as an environmental solution, either as additional information and practice in their teaching method, must consider this option as meaningful information that will get motivate and educate students to take from an early age the habit of recycling benefiting their future and also contribute to the environment for future generations.
Environmental pollution today is a problem that affects not only the environment but also the environment where it coexists humans, this factor is due to little knowledge, capacity, motivation and practice to this problem, although this people ignore it, either out of habit and unknowns about it, but there are also people intended to seek to remedy this problem of environmental pollution. A few years ago is present recycling process as an option you are looking for a little sustaining the damage to the environment, for human consumption, food wrappers and products with too many non-returnable containers, causing them then become environmental pollutants and solid wastes that are generated daily, recycling is useful to other several of these contaminants solid waste. Today not all schools implemented the teaching of the recycling process as an environmental solution, either as additional information and practice in their teaching method, must consider this option as meaningful information that will get motivate and educate students to take from an early age the habit of recycling benefiting their future and also contribute to the environment for future generations.
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