Acompañamiento durante la labor de parto en gestante atendidas en Centro de Salud Materno Infantil Francisco Jácome
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
La presente investigación se basó en determinar el acompañamiento durante la labor de parto y su beneficio materno neonatal, teniendo como propósito concientizar a la sociedad en general la importancia del parto humanizado que conlleva a diseñar un plan educativo de los beneficios del acompañamiento. Material y método: el diseño de esta investigación es de tipo descriptiva, transversal y prospectiva, la muestra se conformó de 203 pacientes, cuyos instrumentos que se utilizaron fueron la ficha observacional para la recolección de datos de las historias clínicas y cuestionarios. Resultados: El 99% del grupo estudiado recibió acompañamiento del cual el acompañante que mayor predomina es de la pareja en un 71.4% de las cuales el 30.5% tuvo como beneficio la seguridad tanto físico, mental y emocional durante el trabajo de parto, asociándose también con el 70.4% de los recién nacidos quienes tuvieron una puntuación de APGAR 8 puntos en el primer minuto de vida y 9 puntos a los 5 minutos dando como resultado un APGAR satisfactorio, estos recién nacidos están dentro del porcentaje que tuvieron apego precoz al nacer representando el 93.6%. Se concluye que no sólo se dan beneficios del acompañamiento en la madre sino también en el recién nacido por factores como, la corta duración del trabajo de parto y el apego precoz que recibieron los mismos.
The following investigation is focused on: determining how supporting is an influence during the time of labor and its neonatal maternal benefit. The goal being to have society become aware of the importance of humanized labor, and make an educational plan of the benefits of family accompaniment. Material and method: the design of this investigation is descriptive, transversal, and prospective, the sample was composed of 203 patients; the method of use to collect data was the observational record for the collection of clinical history and the questioners for the collection of patient data. Results: 99% of the studied group received support, in which the companion that mainly predominated was the partner in 71.4%, of which 30.5% has the benefit of physical, mental, and emotional security during the time of labor. Associating with these numbers, there was 70.4% of newborns who had an Apgar score of 8 points in the first minute of life and 9 points within 5 minutes, resulting in a satisfactory Apgar; these newborns are within the percentage of those that had early attachment at birth representing the 93.6%. It is concluded that not only are there benefits for the mother when having familial support, but the newborn is benefitted as well given the shorter time of labor and the early attachment that both received.
The following investigation is focused on: determining how supporting is an influence during the time of labor and its neonatal maternal benefit. The goal being to have society become aware of the importance of humanized labor, and make an educational plan of the benefits of family accompaniment. Material and method: the design of this investigation is descriptive, transversal, and prospective, the sample was composed of 203 patients; the method of use to collect data was the observational record for the collection of clinical history and the questioners for the collection of patient data. Results: 99% of the studied group received support, in which the companion that mainly predominated was the partner in 71.4%, of which 30.5% has the benefit of physical, mental, and emotional security during the time of labor. Associating with these numbers, there was 70.4% of newborns who had an Apgar score of 8 points in the first minute of life and 9 points within 5 minutes, resulting in a satisfactory Apgar; these newborns are within the percentage of those that had early attachment at birth representing the 93.6%. It is concluded that not only are there benefits for the mother when having familial support, but the newborn is benefitted as well given the shorter time of labor and the early attachment that both received.
Palabras clave
Mujeres embarazadas, Recién nacido, Trabajo de parto, Centro de Salud Materno Infantil Francisco Jácome, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Acompañamiento familiar