Educación sexual para la formación integral de los estudiantes de 8vo y 9no año del colegio nacional Daule del cantón Daule
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
Este estudio aporta a la falta de información que tiene el adolecente acerca de la sexualidad y en el colegio “NACIONAL DAULE”, ubicado en el cantón Daule, por medio de la investigación, establecerán las causas que influyen en la realidad social que tiene este colegio, se ha diagnosticado que el motivo de esta problemática es: La falta de educación sexual, falta de plática con los padres, fuentes de información inadecuada sobre la sexualidad. La presente investigación es para saber los motivos porque dichos estudiantes desconocen tanto del tema sobre las complicaciones que tiene un embarazo no deseado, enfermedades de transmisión sexual , y encontrar alternativas que permitan llegar al estudiante a proporcionarle más información y tratar de hacer conciencia en el estudiante y disminuir los embarazos no deseados y enfermedades de transmisión sexual .Conocer por medio de la investigación cual es el proceso evolutivo del adolescente sus transformación de niño a joven; se realizará una investigación de campo y bibliográfica que determine la población del colegio “Nacional Daule “, con una muestra no probabilística utilizando técnicas de investigación como: la observación, la entrevista y la encuesta llegando a la conclusión de crear una campaña gráfica para la información de los estudiantes a que no dañen su vida y estén preparados con temas que para muchos representantes son difíciles de tocar con sus representados.
This study contributes to the lack of information that the teen about sexuality and school "NATIONAL DAULE" located in the canton Daule, through research, establish the causes that influence the social reality that has this school , it has been diagnosed that the reason for this problem is: The lack of sexual education, lack of conversation with parents, inadequate sources of information about sexuality. This research is to know the reasons for these students know much about a subject on the complications that have an unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and find alternatives to get the student to provide more information and try to raise awareness in the student and reduce unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases .Conocer research through the evolutionary process which is its transformation from adolescent to young children; field research and literature that determine the population of school "National Daule" with a non-probabilistic sample using investigative techniques as was done: observation, interview and survey concluding create a print campaign for information of students that do not harm their life and are prepared on topics for many representatives are difficult to touch with their constituents.
This study contributes to the lack of information that the teen about sexuality and school "NATIONAL DAULE" located in the canton Daule, through research, establish the causes that influence the social reality that has this school , it has been diagnosed that the reason for this problem is: The lack of sexual education, lack of conversation with parents, inadequate sources of information about sexuality. This research is to know the reasons for these students know much about a subject on the complications that have an unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and find alternatives to get the student to provide more information and try to raise awareness in the student and reduce unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases .Conocer research through the evolutionary process which is its transformation from adolescent to young children; field research and literature that determine the population of school "National Daule" with a non-probabilistic sample using investigative techniques as was done: observation, interview and survey concluding create a print campaign for information of students that do not harm their life and are prepared on topics for many representatives are difficult to touch with their constituents.
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