Propuesta tecnologica de un sistema de matriculacion y control de gestion dirigido a la fundacion huancavilca, programa centro de expresion musical
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
La presente propuesta tecnológica nace a partir de un análisis de los procesos actuales del Centro de Expresión Musical, el cual nos llevó a la conclusión de que el sistema de matriculación traerá consigo múltiples beneficios a las partes que intervienen en dicho proceso. El sistema de matriculación fue diseñado bajo los requerimientos del personal administrativo y las acotaciones que nos hicieron los alumnos al momento de las entrevistas. El sistema de matriculación fue diseñado con una interfaz gráfica amigable para los usuarios y será de fácil manejo para ambas partes intervinientes en el proceso de matriculación, además el mismo le servirá al personal administrativo para generar reportes que le ayuden a la toma de decisiones. Se concluye que el sistema de matriculación tendrá una gran acogida por parte de los alumnos y personal administrativo ya que facilitará los procesos que en la actualidad requieren de mucho más tiempo.
The present technological proposal was born from an analysis of the current processes of the Musical Expression Center, which led us to the conclusion that the enrollment system will bring multiple benefits to the parties involved in said process. The registration system was designed under the requirements of the administrative staff and the notes made by the students at the time of the interviews. The registration system was designed with a friendly graphic interface for users and will be easy for both parties involved in the registration process, it will also serve the administrative staff to generate reports to help decision-making. It is concluded that the enrollment system will be very well received by students and administrative staff, since it will facilitate the processes that currently require much more time.
The present technological proposal was born from an analysis of the current processes of the Musical Expression Center, which led us to the conclusion that the enrollment system will bring multiple benefits to the parties involved in said process. The registration system was designed under the requirements of the administrative staff and the notes made by the students at the time of the interviews. The registration system was designed with a friendly graphic interface for users and will be easy for both parties involved in the registration process, it will also serve the administrative staff to generate reports to help decision-making. It is concluded that the enrollment system will be very well received by students and administrative staff, since it will facilitate the processes that currently require much more time.
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