Prevalencia de las complicaciones por episiotomía en mujeres adultas
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Obstetricia
La episiotomía es aquella sección del periné que facilita la salida del menor durante el parto. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de las complicaciones por episiotomía en mujeres adultas del Hospital Universitario de Guayaquil durante el periodo junio 2022-junio 2023. El diseño metodológico fue observacional, retrospectivo, descriptivo y de corte transversal con 175 pacientes, se realizó revisión de historias clínicas mediante ficha recolectora de datos. Como principales resultados: grupo etario de 19 a 23 años con el 30,9%; complicaciones inmediatas, desgarros grado I (42,3%), hematoma (17,7%), edema vulvar leve (3,4%) y laceraciones (2,9%); complicaciones mediatas, dolor en el sitio de episiotomía (42,3%), dispareunia (6,9%), dehiscencia de episiorrafia (5,7%), anemia leve (5,1%), resultados anatómicos insatisfactorios (5,1%) e infección del sitio (2,9%); tipo de episiotomía medio-lateral con el 96%. Se concluye que existen algunas repercusiones asociadas a episiotomía en las mujeres adultas, por lo tanto se sugieren acciones de promoción y prevención.
The episiotomy is that section of the perineum that facilitates the exit of the child during childbirth. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of complications due to episiotomy in adult women of the University Hospital of Guayaquil during the period June 2022-June 2023. The methodological design was observational, retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional with 175 patients, a review was carried out. clinical histories through a data collection sheet. As main results: age group from 19 to 23 years with 30.9%; immediate complications, grade I ears (42.3%), hematoma (17.7%), mild vulvar edema (3.4%) and lacerations (2.9%); mediate complications, pain at the episiotomy site (42.3%), dyspareunia (6.9%), episiorrhaphy dehiscence (5.7%), mild anemia (5.1%), unsatisfactory anatomical results (5.1%) %) and site infection (2.9%); type of mediolateral episiotomy with 96%. It is concluded that there are some repercussions associated with episiotomy in adult women, therefore promotion and prevention actions are suggested.
The episiotomy is that section of the perineum that facilitates the exit of the child during childbirth. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of complications due to episiotomy in adult women of the University Hospital of Guayaquil during the period June 2022-June 2023. The methodological design was observational, retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional with 175 patients, a review was carried out. clinical histories through a data collection sheet. As main results: age group from 19 to 23 years with 30.9%; immediate complications, grade I ears (42.3%), hematoma (17.7%), mild vulvar edema (3.4%) and lacerations (2.9%); mediate complications, pain at the episiotomy site (42.3%), dyspareunia (6.9%), episiorrhaphy dehiscence (5.7%), mild anemia (5.1%), unsatisfactory anatomical results (5.1%) %) and site infection (2.9%); type of mediolateral episiotomy with 96%. It is concluded that there are some repercussions associated with episiotomy in adult women, therefore promotion and prevention actions are suggested.
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