La sociedad Guayaquileña y su incidencia en el desarrollo de la comunidad Lolita, estudio a realizar en el público que visita el Malecón 2000 de Guayaquil, año 2015
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
Esta investigación da a lugar a un problema que se ha ido presentando en todos los lugares del mundo, ya sea en el continente Asiático, Europeo y Americano que son los que mayormente presenta el obstáculo de la aceptación hacia algo desconocido, si bien es cierto el ser humano tiene miedo a las más grandes interrogantes del mundo y su método de defensa es aislarse a lo seguro. Para demostrar los resultados del comportamiento de una sociedad a lo desconocido se ha tomado el caso de la moda “Lolita” en la ciudad de Guayaquil, la cual tiene como origen el país del sol naciente que es Japón, el lolita junto con otras modas toma lugar en el barrio de Harajuku en Tokio, esta moda tiene aspecto tanto visual como estético de la época Rococó y Victoriana de vestidos acampanados bien elaborados con encajes y diversidad de estilos. La investigación se tomó en cuenta cuando la Comunidad Lolita “Alice’s Garden” salió a flote en la ciudad de Guayaquil, cuando en muchos de sus meetings (reuniones) parte de la sociedad se generaba reacciones y expresiones poco agradables hacia las personas que visten esta moda solo por ser algo desconocido hacia ellos, confundiendo los coordinados de las lolitas como vestuarios de fiestas temáticas, mostrando el desconocimiento de la sociedad y creando malentendidos por parte de la sociedad hacia las lolitas, es por ello que se ha recurrido a buscar una manera de informar a la sociedad sobre esta sub cultura japonesa, llegando a la conclusión que la mejor optativa para que la gente se informase del tema es crear una revista informativa con la temática de la moda “Lolita” la cual contiende conceptos básicos de la moda, vestimentas y estilos, tomando como meta informar a la sociedad.
This research gives rise to a problem that has been appearing in all places of the world, whether in Asia, European and American continent, where presents the obstacle to acceptance into something unknown, even if it is true the human is afraid of the big questions of the world and its method of defense is to isolate it safe. To demonstrate the results of the behavior of a society into the unknown has taken the case of fashion "Lolita" in the city of Guayaquil, which origin is the country of the rising sun which is Japan, Lolita fashion together with other fashion trends takes place in a neighborhood called Harajuku in Tokyo, this fashion looks both visual and aesthetic based in Rococo period and Victorian dresses who has bell shape well prepared with laces and diversity of styles. The investigation was taken importance when the Lolita community "Alice's Garden" was afloating in the Guayaquil’s city, when in many of their meetings, a part of society have generated reactions and unpleasant expressions for people who wear this fashion just for being something unknown to them, mistaking the coordinates of the lolitas as costumes for themed parties , showing the ignorance of society and creating misunderstandings by society towards the lolitas, is why it resorted to find a way to inform the society about this sub Japanese culture, coming to the conclusion that the best option so that people are informed of the issue is to create a magazine with the theme of "Lolita" fashion which contends the fashion basics clothing and styles, taking as a goal to inform society.
This research gives rise to a problem that has been appearing in all places of the world, whether in Asia, European and American continent, where presents the obstacle to acceptance into something unknown, even if it is true the human is afraid of the big questions of the world and its method of defense is to isolate it safe. To demonstrate the results of the behavior of a society into the unknown has taken the case of fashion "Lolita" in the city of Guayaquil, which origin is the country of the rising sun which is Japan, Lolita fashion together with other fashion trends takes place in a neighborhood called Harajuku in Tokyo, this fashion looks both visual and aesthetic based in Rococo period and Victorian dresses who has bell shape well prepared with laces and diversity of styles. The investigation was taken importance when the Lolita community "Alice's Garden" was afloating in the Guayaquil’s city, when in many of their meetings, a part of society have generated reactions and unpleasant expressions for people who wear this fashion just for being something unknown to them, mistaking the coordinates of the lolitas as costumes for themed parties , showing the ignorance of society and creating misunderstandings by society towards the lolitas, is why it resorted to find a way to inform the society about this sub Japanese culture, coming to the conclusion that the best option so that people are informed of the issue is to create a magazine with the theme of "Lolita" fashion which contends the fashion basics clothing and styles, taking as a goal to inform society.
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