Educación ambiental en la formación integral de los niños del tercer y cuarto año de básica de la escuela fiscal Ing. Bronislaw Wierdak Feraud del cantón Durán año 2013-2014
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
La presente investigación se realizó en la escuela “Ing. Bronislaw Wierdak Feraud” del cantón Duran durante el periodo comprendido entre el año 2013 -2014; en la que participaron autoridades, docentes, estudiantes y representantes legales; donde se evidenció la falta de conocimiento sobre Educación ambiental en la comunidad educativa, fue necesario saber cuán informado estaban sobre el daño al ecosistema, y cómo con la estrategia adecuada se puede fomentar el cuidado ambiental. De igual forma, la tecnología ha desafiado diversas herramientas a beneficio de la educación, con el fin de mejorarla y usar la innovación gráfica con el objetivo de desarrollar una cultura ambientalista, en los estudiantes de tercero y cuarto año de básica. El trabajo se justificó porque posee valor teórico, con una utilidad práctica y relevancia natural-social, es muy conveniente en el entorno institucional, por los beneficios que genera. La investigación se sustentó de acuerdo al método descriptivo y analítico, con un tipo de investigación de campo, exploratoria y bibliográfica. Se determinó la muestra del tipo no probabilístico a quienes se les aplicó las encuestas. Los resultados de aplicar el instrumento de la investigación se plasmaron en tablas, gráficos y se realizó el análisis respectivo para cada pregunta. Esto sirvió para elaborar las conclusiones y recomendaciones así como para justificar la propuesta de elaboración e implantación de recurso multimedia para promover la cultura ecológica.
This research was performed in the "Ing school. Bronislaw Wierdak Feraud "Canton Duran during the period between the years 2013 -2014; in which they participated authorities, teachers, students and legal representatives; where lack of knowledge on environmental education in the educational community was evident, it was necessary to know how informed they were about the damage to the ecosystem, and how the right strategy can promote environmental care. Likewise, technology has challenged various tools to benefit education in order to improve it and use the graphical innovation in order to develop an environmental culture, juniors and seniors basic. The work is justified because it has theoretical value, practical utility and natural-social relevance, is very convenient in the institutional environment, the benefits generated. The research is based according to the descriptive and analytical method with a type of field research, exploratory and literature. The non-probabilistic sample who were administered the surveys was determined. The results of applying the research instrument were reflected in tables, graphs and the respective analysis was performed for each question. This served to draw the conclusions and recommendations and to justify the proposed development and implementation of multimedia resource to promote ecological culture.
This research was performed in the "Ing school. Bronislaw Wierdak Feraud "Canton Duran during the period between the years 2013 -2014; in which they participated authorities, teachers, students and legal representatives; where lack of knowledge on environmental education in the educational community was evident, it was necessary to know how informed they were about the damage to the ecosystem, and how the right strategy can promote environmental care. Likewise, technology has challenged various tools to benefit education in order to improve it and use the graphical innovation in order to develop an environmental culture, juniors and seniors basic. The work is justified because it has theoretical value, practical utility and natural-social relevance, is very convenient in the institutional environment, the benefits generated. The research is based according to the descriptive and analytical method with a type of field research, exploratory and literature. The non-probabilistic sample who were administered the surveys was determined. The results of applying the research instrument were reflected in tables, graphs and the respective analysis was performed for each question. This served to draw the conclusions and recommendations and to justify the proposed development and implementation of multimedia resource to promote ecological culture.
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