Propuesta de rediseño de proceso y del software de una compañía comercializadora de carne de cerdo
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
El presente documento se lo ha realizado para analizar la actual situación en que se encuentra la compañía, la cual fue constituida para la venta de productos y sub-productos derivados de la carne de cerdo; este análisis lo hemos realizado con el objetivo de elaborar un Rediseño de los procesos y del sistema para poder corregir falencias, hacer mejoras, y crear nuevos procesos que no existen en el sistema actual y mejorar los resultados de la empresa, Este análisis lo hemos realizado en cada una de las diferentes áreas que posee la empresa tales como son Administrativa, Operativa, Comercial y Financiera. En nuestro estudio realizado hemos encontrado problemas en cada una de estas áreas y se realizaron algunas recomendaciones después de hacer diferentes estudios y análisis en base a la información entregada por la compañía. Con todo esto hemos logrado obtener resultados de mucha importancia obteniendo un mejoramiento continuo en la empresa. Además de haber logrado un resultado positivo de aceptación de nuestra propuesta y lograr que los propietarios vean la necesidad de hacerlos y que estén dispuestos al cambio.
This document has been made to analyze the current situation of the company, which was established for the sale of products and by-products derived from pork; this analysis we have done with the objective of developing a redesign of the processes and the system to be able to correct failures, make improvements, and create new processes that do not exist in the current system and improve the results of the company. in each of the different areas that the company possesses such as are Administrative, Operative, Commercial and Financial. According to our study we found problems in each of these areas and made some recommendations after doing different studies and analysis based on the information provided by the company. With all this we have achieved very important results obtaining a continuous improvement in the company. In addition to having achieved a positive result of acceptance of our proposal and get the owners see the need to do them and are willing to change.
This document has been made to analyze the current situation of the company, which was established for the sale of products and by-products derived from pork; this analysis we have done with the objective of developing a redesign of the processes and the system to be able to correct failures, make improvements, and create new processes that do not exist in the current system and improve the results of the company. in each of the different areas that the company possesses such as are Administrative, Operative, Commercial and Financial. According to our study we found problems in each of these areas and made some recommendations after doing different studies and analysis based on the information provided by the company. With all this we have achieved very important results obtaining a continuous improvement in the company. In addition to having achieved a positive result of acceptance of our proposal and get the owners see the need to do them and are willing to change.
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