Propuesta de tecnificación del cultivo de arroz en el cantón Balzar utilizando agricultura de precisión asistida por un R P A. Remotely Piloted Aircraft
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ciencias Adminiatrativas
Este proyecto de investigación se centró en el cantón Balzar debido a su importancia agrícola, con el propósito de mejorar los procesos de cultivo de arroz en la fase vegetativa.
Para ello se empleó el uso de RPA (Aeronave pilotada remotamente) en conjunto con el GIS (Sistema de información georreferenciada) para realizar trabajos de agricultura de precisión sobre el cultivo.
Por lo tanto se realizó un monitoreo cada semana de las imágenes captadas por el RPA, las cuales se aplicó tres índices de vegetación (NGRDI, GDVI y RDVI) correspondientes a elementos claves como el agua, fertilizante y fungicida respectivamente, que fueron de objeto de estudio con la finalidad de evaluar las variables cuantitativas como cualitativas.
Se demostró con los datos obtenidos que el método de agricultura de precisión asistida por un RPA frente al tradicional favoreció al productor, reduciendo el costo de sus recursos, aminorando errores en la práctica agrícola, logrando un cultivo idóneo a fin de tener buen rendimiento y calidad.
This research project focused on the canton Balzar due to its agricultural importance, with the purpose of improving the rice growing processes in the vegetative phase. The use of RPA (Remotely piloted aircraft) in conjunction with the GIS (Georeferenced Information System) was used to perform precision farming on the crop. Therefore, the RPA images were monitored every week, which applied three vegetation indices (NGRDI, GDVI and RDVI) corresponding to key elements such as water, fertilizer and fungicide respectively, which were the object of study with the purpose of evaluating the quantitative variables as qualitative. It was demonstrated with the data obtained that the precision farming method assisted by an RPA in favor of the traditional one favored the producer, reducing the cost of his resources, reducing errors in the agricultural practice, obtaining an ideal crop in order to have good yield and quality .
This research project focused on the canton Balzar due to its agricultural importance, with the purpose of improving the rice growing processes in the vegetative phase. The use of RPA (Remotely piloted aircraft) in conjunction with the GIS (Georeferenced Information System) was used to perform precision farming on the crop. Therefore, the RPA images were monitored every week, which applied three vegetation indices (NGRDI, GDVI and RDVI) corresponding to key elements such as water, fertilizer and fungicide respectively, which were the object of study with the purpose of evaluating the quantitative variables as qualitative. It was demonstrated with the data obtained that the precision farming method assisted by an RPA in favor of the traditional one favored the producer, reducing the cost of his resources, reducing errors in the agricultural practice, obtaining an ideal crop in order to have good yield and quality .
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