Análisis Fumigación por Glifosato, Caso Ecuador - Colombia, desde la Solución Pacífica de Controversias.
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Jurisprudencia Ciencias Sociales y Polìticas
La solución pacífica de controversias internacionales es el medio por el cual los estados,
solventan las controversias que puedan llegar a surgir entre los países, sin emplear el uso
de la fuerza ni llevar al conflictos bélicos; a nivel Regional el Instrumento Internacional
que regula este tipo de acuerdos es el Tratado Americano de Solución de Controversias
“Pacto de Bogotá”, mismo que contempla como mecanismos de solución de controversia,
a la mediación, arbitraje, buenos oficios, investigación, y arreglo judicial. El presente
trabajo de investigación analizará el conflicto suscitado entre Ecuador y Colombia por la
fumigación área de glifosato, revisando el proceso judicial y extrajudicial que los países
desarrollaron con la finalidad de determinar si los mecanismos que se emplearon fueron
los más eficaces, además de determinar cuáles principios internaciones y ambientales que
fueron vulnerados al momento del suscitarse las fumigaciones realizada por Colombia con
este herbicida toxico.
The peaceful solution of international controversies is the means by which the states resolve the controversies that may arise between the countries, without using the use of force or leading to warlike conflicts; At the Regional level, the International Instrument that regulates this type of agreement is the American Dispute Resolution Treaty "Pact of Bogotá", which contemplates mediation, arbitration, good offices, investigation, and judicial settlement as dispute resolution mechanisms. This research work will analyze the conflict between Ecuador and Colombia due to the area fumigation of glyphosate, reviewing the judicial and extrajudicial process that the countries developed in order to determine if the mechanisms that were used were the most effective, in addition to determining which international and environmental principles that were violated at the time of the fumigations carried out by Colombia with this toxic herbicide.
The peaceful solution of international controversies is the means by which the states resolve the controversies that may arise between the countries, without using the use of force or leading to warlike conflicts; At the Regional level, the International Instrument that regulates this type of agreement is the American Dispute Resolution Treaty "Pact of Bogotá", which contemplates mediation, arbitration, good offices, investigation, and judicial settlement as dispute resolution mechanisms. This research work will analyze the conflict between Ecuador and Colombia due to the area fumigation of glyphosate, reviewing the judicial and extrajudicial process that the countries developed in order to determine if the mechanisms that were used were the most effective, in addition to determining which international and environmental principles that were violated at the time of the fumigations carried out by Colombia with this toxic herbicide.
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