Redes sociales como instumento para potenciar el desarrollo productivo y de servicio de una empresa Pyme
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
En las diferentes organizaciones de servicios hoteleros los funcionarios y
empleados que las conforman, siempre requieren de servicios internos de
información a través de los diversos medios con que dispone cada
empresa, sean éstos el internet, la intranet, las redes sociales, entre las
más usadas. En el caso de estudio el Hotel 9 de Octubre de la ciudad de
Guayaquil, requiere dentro de su departamento de Marketing y Ventas
como los demás departamentos estar informados de todas las actividades
y promociones para coordinar actividades diarias y obtener un mejor
desempeño dentros de las mismas.
El personal de hotel no cuenta con las herramientas tecnológicas de
información para promover y promocionar tanto las actividades como la
publicación de tarifarios y promociones, por lo que proponemos el uso de
herramientas fáciles de manejar por cualquier empleado o funcionario a
través de las redes sociales. El personal tiene poco conocimiento de su
manejo y de las ventajas que estas producen en captar nuevos clientes o
huéspedes asi como de mantener informado a los actuales clientes sobre
las tarifas, promociones y muchos otros servicios que por esta vía se
pueden publicitar ya que las redes sociales hoy en dia son una
herramienta poderosa en el campo del servicio al cliente y no producen
mayores costos.
El presente trabajo da a conocer la existencia y el uso de las redes
sociales en el entorno de los servicios que se ofertan en los hoteles, y de
manera especial, en el Hotel 9 de Octubre, los beneficios del uso de las
redes sociales para promocionar los servicios ofrecidos, mantener
informados a los clientes frecuentes y nuevos prospectos para clientes,
haciendo hincapié en lo importantes que éstas son y la aplicación práctica
que tienen para la promoción de los servicios a bajos costos ya que las redes sociales cuentan con su propia plataforma y la organización no
requiere de inversión para el efecto.
El análisis permitirá reconocer hacia donde van dirigidos los servicios y
asimismo confirmará que los empleados de las diferentes áreas de
servicios del hotel que hagan buen uso de estas herramientas lograrán
mejores resultados de sus actividades, y que aunque no generen
ingresos, se los consideran tan importantes como cualquier otro
Finalmente, se logrará determinar los beneficios para el hotel; se podrá
confirmar la importancia de este estudio y las ventajas que se obtendran
al incluirlo como parte integrante de los manuales administrativos y de
operación de la empresa hotelera motivo del análisis.
In different hotel services organizations, officials and employees who knock into shape, always require internal information service through the various means available to each company, whether the Internet, intranet, social networking, among the most used. In case of study the 9 de Octubre Hotel from Guayaquil city, required within the Marketing and Sales Department and other departments to be informed of all activities and special offer to coordinate daily activities and to get better performance inside of the daily activities. The Marketing and Sales department has no technological tools of information to promote and advertise both the activities and the publication of tariff, advertisings for which we propose the use of the easy tools to handle by any employee or officer by social networks of which have little knowledge of their handling and the benefits they produce in attracting new customers or guests as well as to keep existing customers informed about rates, promotions and many other services in this way you can advertise as social networks today, they are a powerful tool in the customer service field, as they do not produce higher costs and have a better outlook and profits that produce these social networks. This handiwork seeks to highlight the existence and use of social networks in the vicinity of the services offered at hotels, and especially, in the 9 de Octubre Hotel because of the ignorance between the employees and partners who claim to believe that this is an area completely technical full of equipment and incomprehensible to the user. The profits of using social media to promote the services offered, keeping informed to frequent customers and new prospects, emphasizing how important they are and their practical application to promoting low-cost services and social networks as having their own platform and the organization doesn’t require investment for the purpose. The analysis will recognize where they go also directed services and confirm that employees from different areas of hotel amenities to make good use of these tools what will achieve better results from their activities, and although they do not generate revenue, they weigh up important like any other department. Finally, this analysis will help to determine whether the knowledge and benefits for the hotel, the same way, you can confirm that it can be very useful to have this study as integral as part of administrative and operating manuals of the hotel company as the reason of analysis.
In different hotel services organizations, officials and employees who knock into shape, always require internal information service through the various means available to each company, whether the Internet, intranet, social networking, among the most used. In case of study the 9 de Octubre Hotel from Guayaquil city, required within the Marketing and Sales Department and other departments to be informed of all activities and special offer to coordinate daily activities and to get better performance inside of the daily activities. The Marketing and Sales department has no technological tools of information to promote and advertise both the activities and the publication of tariff, advertisings for which we propose the use of the easy tools to handle by any employee or officer by social networks of which have little knowledge of their handling and the benefits they produce in attracting new customers or guests as well as to keep existing customers informed about rates, promotions and many other services in this way you can advertise as social networks today, they are a powerful tool in the customer service field, as they do not produce higher costs and have a better outlook and profits that produce these social networks. This handiwork seeks to highlight the existence and use of social networks in the vicinity of the services offered at hotels, and especially, in the 9 de Octubre Hotel because of the ignorance between the employees and partners who claim to believe that this is an area completely technical full of equipment and incomprehensible to the user. The profits of using social media to promote the services offered, keeping informed to frequent customers and new prospects, emphasizing how important they are and their practical application to promoting low-cost services and social networks as having their own platform and the organization doesn’t require investment for the purpose. The analysis will recognize where they go also directed services and confirm that employees from different areas of hotel amenities to make good use of these tools what will achieve better results from their activities, and although they do not generate revenue, they weigh up important like any other department. Finally, this analysis will help to determine whether the knowledge and benefits for the hotel, the same way, you can confirm that it can be very useful to have this study as integral as part of administrative and operating manuals of the hotel company as the reason of analysis.
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