Tutela Administrativa a favor de Yolanda Cando dentro del Proceso Administrativo de Revisión por Acoso Laboral No. 1434-20-JP
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Jurisprudencia Ciencias Sociales y Polìticas
La tutela administrativa es un proceso que contempla la protección de derechos
constitucionales, sin embargo; el ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano abarca este tema solo desde
el ámbito del Derecho de Propiedad Intelectual, minimizando el alcance de la tutela
administrativo en ámbitos como el Derecho Laboral. Con la finalidad de determinar la necesidad
de desarrollar doctrinariamente y normativamente la tutela administrativa se aplicó un estudio de
caso con un enfoque cualitativo que analiza la desprotección de los derechos de los trabajadores
en casos de acoso laboral. Como resultado de esta investigación, se identificó la importancia del
desarrollo normativo de la tutela administrativa y su rol en el ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano,
concluyendo que es necesaria una reforma al Código de Trabajo que brinde de una herramienta
única para denunciar casos de acoso laboral.
Administrative tutelage is a process that contemplates the protection of constitutional rights, however; The Ecuadorian legal system covers this issue only from the field of Intellectual Property Law, minimizing the scope of administrative protection in areas such as Labor Law. In order to determine the need to develop administrative protection doctrinally and normatively, a case study was applied with a qualitative approach that analyzes the lack of protection of workers' rights in cases of workplace harassment. As a result of this investigation, the importance of the regulatory development of administrative protection and its role in the Ecuadorian legal system was identified, concluding that a reform of the Labor Code is necessary to provide a unique tool to report cases of workplace harassment.
Administrative tutelage is a process that contemplates the protection of constitutional rights, however; The Ecuadorian legal system covers this issue only from the field of Intellectual Property Law, minimizing the scope of administrative protection in areas such as Labor Law. In order to determine the need to develop administrative protection doctrinally and normatively, a case study was applied with a qualitative approach that analyzes the lack of protection of workers' rights in cases of workplace harassment. As a result of this investigation, the importance of the regulatory development of administrative protection and its role in the Ecuadorian legal system was identified, concluding that a reform of the Labor Code is necessary to provide a unique tool to report cases of workplace harassment.
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