Abandono del hogar conyugal como causal del divorcio. Análisis y crítica a la institución.
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Jurisprudencia Ciencias Sociales y Polìticas
El abuso de la causal de divorcio por abandono de hogar puede tener consecuencias negativas
para el cónyuge acusado de abandono de hogar. Por lo tanto, es importante presentar pruebas que
demuestren la veracidad de la acusación y evitar hacer uso de esta causal de manera fraudulenta
o injusta. En Ecuador, el divorcio por abandono de hogar es la causal más empleada debido a que
en la práctica solo se proporciona la prueba testimonial para su materialización y que no existe
un divorcio que contemple la voluntad individual como requisito único para disolver el vínculo
matrimonial, siendo de esta forma, la causal más sencilla de practicar y, por lo tanto, abusar. Ante
lo cual, se plantea como objetivo de esta investigación analizar la vulneración del principio de la
voluntad individual y el derecho al desarrollo individual en el vigente sistema de divorcio por
causal de abandono de hogar en el ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano
Abuse of the grounds for divorce due to abandonment of home can have negative consequences for the spouse accused of abandonment of home. Therefore, it is important to present evidence that demonstrates the veracity of the accusation and avoid using this ground in a fraudulent or unfair manner. In Ecuador, divorce due to abandonment of home is the most widely used cause because in practice only testimonial evidence is provided for its materialization and that there is no divorce that contemplates the individual will as the only requirement to dissolve the marriage bond, being in this way, the easiest causal to practice and, therefore, abuse. In view of which, the objective of this research is to analyze the violation of the principle of individual will and the right to individual development in the current system of divorce due to abandonment of home in the Ecuadorian legal system.
Abuse of the grounds for divorce due to abandonment of home can have negative consequences for the spouse accused of abandonment of home. Therefore, it is important to present evidence that demonstrates the veracity of the accusation and avoid using this ground in a fraudulent or unfair manner. In Ecuador, divorce due to abandonment of home is the most widely used cause because in practice only testimonial evidence is provided for its materialization and that there is no divorce that contemplates the individual will as the only requirement to dissolve the marriage bond, being in this way, the easiest causal to practice and, therefore, abuse. In view of which, the objective of this research is to analyze the violation of the principle of individual will and the right to individual development in the current system of divorce due to abandonment of home in the Ecuadorian legal system.
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