Evaluación de antocianinas en el pericarpio de Solanum tuberosum en la variedad de Yana Shungo
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
La presente investigación se realizó con la finalidad de evaluar el contenido de antocianinas presentes en el pericarpio de Solanum Tuberosum de la variedad Yana Shungo, actualmente la mayor parte de la población desconoce la existencia de la papa nativa, causando que esta especie esté en peligro de extinción, la cual su cultivo es exclusivo en algunas regiones de la sierra por sus condiciones ambientales, por ende, se llevó a cabo una encuesta sobre el uso tradicional de la papa Yana Shungo, con la finalidad de dar a conocer sus beneficios antioxidantes. Para el análisis las metodologías se utilizaron dos métodos cualitativos y espectrofotométricos. Utilizando 10.503 g como muestra, el método de M. Mónica Giusti, Ronald E. Wrolstad (Espectrofotometría) por medio de espectroscopia UV-visible para cuantificar el contenido de antocianinas obteniendo un valor de 825.0 mg/kg. Finalmente, para detectar la solubilidad en etanol se llevó a cabo el método por solubilidad en disolventes orgánicos a partir de 0.1 g de muestra dando por resultado siendo poco soluble.
The present investigation was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the content of anthocyanins present in the pericarp of Solanum Tuberosum of the Yana Shungo variety. Currently, most of the population is unaware of the existence of the native potato, causing this species to be in danger of extinction, which its cultivation is exclusive in some regions of the mountains due to its environmental conditions, therefore, a survey was carried out on the traditional use of the Yana Shungo potato, with the purpose of publicizing its antioxidant benefits. For the methodological analysis, two qualitative and spectrophotometric methods were used. Using 10,503 g as a sample, the method of M. Mónica Giusti, Ronald E. Wrolstad (Spectrophotometry) by means of UV-visible spectroscopy to quantify the anthocyanin content obtaining a value of 825.0 mg/kg. Finally, to detect the solubility in ethanol, the method was carried out by solubility in organic solvents from 0.1 g of sample, resulting in it being slightly soluble.
The present investigation was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the content of anthocyanins present in the pericarp of Solanum Tuberosum of the Yana Shungo variety. Currently, most of the population is unaware of the existence of the native potato, causing this species to be in danger of extinction, which its cultivation is exclusive in some regions of the mountains due to its environmental conditions, therefore, a survey was carried out on the traditional use of the Yana Shungo potato, with the purpose of publicizing its antioxidant benefits. For the methodological analysis, two qualitative and spectrophotometric methods were used. Using 10,503 g as a sample, the method of M. Mónica Giusti, Ronald E. Wrolstad (Spectrophotometry) by means of UV-visible spectroscopy to quantify the anthocyanin content obtaining a value of 825.0 mg/kg. Finally, to detect the solubility in ethanol, the method was carried out by solubility in organic solvents from 0.1 g of sample, resulting in it being slightly soluble.
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