Los programas educativos televisivos, de los canales Teleamazonas 5 y Ecuador 7 y su incidencia en la formación intelectual de los niños de 4to. año de educación básica de la escuela fiscal mixta Río Coca
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
El desarrollo de este proyecto de investigación se basa en la
implementación y aumento de sintonía hacia los programas educativos que
se transmiten a través de la televisión. La televisión es un medio de
comunicación el cual posee contenidos positivos, como negativos, pero es
importante que los niños aprovechen de manera positiva los beneficios que
posee este medio para el desarrollo intelectual. El objetivo que se quiere
llevar a cabo es que los niños tengan conciencia de lo que están viendo en
televisión, que aprendan a diferenciar lo que está adecuado para su edad
y sobretodo que aporte en su desenvolvimiento personal como académico.
Por medio de los programas educativos televisivos se busca acercar al
infante hacia un proceso de aprendizaje con técnicas diferentes pero con
resultados positivos, los cuales quedaran posicionados en la mente del
espectador, y ayudará al docente como herramienta para incluir en su clase
información necesaria. Una vez obtenido conceptos sobre la televisión, los
programas de televisión para niños y la intelectualidad, se aplicó técnicas
como la observación, entrevista y encuestas para la recolección de
información importante, por medio de la cual se pudo apreciar la opinión de
la población sobre lo relevante que son los programas educativos en
televisión. Esta investigación la respalda fundamentos legales los cuales
aportan a los beneficios y derechos que tienen los niños, posee
fundamentos psicológicos, filosóficos y pedagógicos. Se puede apreciar
que la propuesta presentada es un aporte significativo y relevante al
conocimiento, contribuye como ayuda práctica y actualización del
razonamiento en los niños.
The development of this research project is based on the implementation and tuning to increase educational programs broadcast by television. Television is a medium which has positive content and negative, but it is important that children take advantage of the positive benefits that have this means of intellectual development. The objective is to carry out is that children are aware of what they are seeing on television, they learn to differentiate what is right for your age and above to provide in its development as an academic staff.Through educational television programs it seeks to bring the child to a learning process using different techniques but with positive results, which remain positioned in the viewer's mind, and help the teacher as a tool of its kind to include necessary information. After obtaining concepts about television, television programs for children and the intelligentsia, interview methods and surveys to collect information was used, through which could be seen the opinion of the population on how relevant are the educational programs on television. This research supports legal grounds which provide the benefits and rights enjoyed by children, has psychological, philosophical and pedagogical foundations. You can see that the proposal is a significant and relevant contribution to knowledge, practical help and contribute as updated reasoning in children.
The development of this research project is based on the implementation and tuning to increase educational programs broadcast by television. Television is a medium which has positive content and negative, but it is important that children take advantage of the positive benefits that have this means of intellectual development. The objective is to carry out is that children are aware of what they are seeing on television, they learn to differentiate what is right for your age and above to provide in its development as an academic staff.Through educational television programs it seeks to bring the child to a learning process using different techniques but with positive results, which remain positioned in the viewer's mind, and help the teacher as a tool of its kind to include necessary information. After obtaining concepts about television, television programs for children and the intelligentsia, interview methods and surveys to collect information was used, through which could be seen the opinion of the population on how relevant are the educational programs on television. This research supports legal grounds which provide the benefits and rights enjoyed by children, has psychological, philosophical and pedagogical foundations. You can see that the proposal is a significant and relevant contribution to knowledge, practical help and contribute as updated reasoning in children.
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