Propuesta tecnológica que proporcione el control de distribución en la camaronera Campac S.A.
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
El proceso del camarón en la camaronera es el siguiente: preparación de piscinas, sembrío o colocación de larvas, tratamiento de agua, cosecha, transportación y entrega a recepción a las plantas procesadoras (Empacadora).
De tal manera se realizó una investigación cuantitativa la cual hicimos usos de los métodos de observación, entrevistas y encuestas al personal involucrado en el área de procesos en la camaronera, se optó como principal necesidad realizar un control en la distribución (transportación) del camarón a las respectivas plantas procesadoras debido a que el trabajo manual que se ha venido realizando es un poco engorroso y a su vez existen inconsistencias en la información.
El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar una aplicación web capaz de gestionar los procesos desde la distribución del camarón hasta la entrega a recepción con el fin de generar información confiable. Consiguiendo que los diferentes involucrados, el Administrador y Supervisores, gestionen las actividades de manera óptima en cada uno de los procesos.
La integración de este sistema web basado en PHP, con base de datos MySQL, el cual permitirá controlar la distribución del camarón, por lo que la gestión de la información será confiable en la optimización de sus procesos y reducir sus costos también permitirá la visualización de las guías de movilización donde se muestra el control de los procesos en cada una de las actividades en el momento de la distribución a entrega del camarón. Podemos concluir que el desarrollo de nuestra propuesta tecnológica aportará en el control de distribución a entrega del camarón en la gestión de información y va a mejorar los procesos actuales y contribuir a la toma de decisiones con cada información que se registre a la aplicación web.
The processes that carried out a shrimp are the following: preparation of swimming pools, planting or placement of larvae, water treatment, harvesting, transportation and delivery to the processing plants (Packer). In this way, a quantitative investigation was carrying out. We made use of the methods of observation, interviews and surveys of the personnel involved in the process area in the shrimp. The main need was to carry out a control in the distribution (transportation) of the shrimp to the respective processing plants because the manual work that has been carrying out is a bit cumbersome and in turn, there are inconsistencies in the information. The objective of this project is to develop a web application capable of managing the processes from shrimp distribution to delivery to reception in order to generate reliable information. Getting the different involved, the Administrator and Supervisors, manage the activities in an optimal way in each of the processes. The integration of this web system based on PHP, with MySQL database, which will control the distribution of shrimp, so that the information management will be reliable in the optimization of their processes and reduce their costs will also allow the visualization of the mobilization guides showing the control of the processes in each one of the activities at the moment of distribution to delivery of the shrimp. We can conclude that the development of our technological proposal will contribute in the control of distribution to delivery of shrimp in the information management and will improve the current processes and contribute to the decision making with every information that is registered to the web application.
The processes that carried out a shrimp are the following: preparation of swimming pools, planting or placement of larvae, water treatment, harvesting, transportation and delivery to the processing plants (Packer). In this way, a quantitative investigation was carrying out. We made use of the methods of observation, interviews and surveys of the personnel involved in the process area in the shrimp. The main need was to carry out a control in the distribution (transportation) of the shrimp to the respective processing plants because the manual work that has been carrying out is a bit cumbersome and in turn, there are inconsistencies in the information. The objective of this project is to develop a web application capable of managing the processes from shrimp distribution to delivery to reception in order to generate reliable information. Getting the different involved, the Administrator and Supervisors, manage the activities in an optimal way in each of the processes. The integration of this web system based on PHP, with MySQL database, which will control the distribution of shrimp, so that the information management will be reliable in the optimization of their processes and reduce their costs will also allow the visualization of the mobilization guides showing the control of the processes in each one of the activities at the moment of distribution to delivery of the shrimp. We can conclude that the development of our technological proposal will contribute in the control of distribution to delivery of shrimp in the information management and will improve the current processes and contribute to the decision making with every information that is registered to the web application.
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