Propuesta de mejora del sisitema de inventario de las empresa Acruxza C.A. en la Ciudad de Guayquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
El presente trabajo está orientado a proponer la mejora del sistema de
inventario de la Empresa Acruxza S.A. en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
La empresa “ACRUXZA” es una empresa joven, que está brindando sus
servicios en el mercado desde el año 1997, produciendo y distribuyendo
productos de aseo y limpieza a nivel institucional y hotelero, haciendo que
este negocio se expanda en toda la nación, llegando de esta forma a
empresas vinculadas a diferentes sectores, sea del aparato comercial,
bancario, industrial, de servicios, especialmente hotelero, entre los más
El inventario es una cuenta del activo corriente; en la medida que sea
bien administrado generará mayor rentabilidad a la empresa, de ahí la
importancia de un buen sistema de gestión que incluya además controles.
Mediante su implementación se busca atender en tiempo real los pedidos
de los clientes, incrementando el nivel de ventas, crecimiento en el
mercado lo que contribuye al logro de las metas de la organización.
Con esta investigación y propuesta se evidencia la importancia del
sistema de inventario, ya que toda organización tiene que velar por sus
activos, en este caso un buen funcionamiento de inventario que permita
ser competitiva, en un mercado donde es difícil mantenerse.
This work is aimed at proposing improved inventory system Acruxza Company SA in the city of Guayaquil, for which an analysis through five chapters which are summarized below is made. The company "ACRUXZA" is a young company that is providing services on the market since 1997, producing and distributing toiletries and institutional cleaning and hotel level, making this business to expand nationwide, coming from Thus companies linked to different sectors, especially hotel is the commercial, banking, industrial apparatus, service, and the most important. Inventory is a current asset account; to the extent that is well-managed will generate greater profitability to the company, hence the importance of a good management system which also includes controls. Through its implementation it seeks to address real-time customer orders, increasing the level of sales, market growth which contributes to achieving the goals of the organization. This research proposal and the importance of the evidence inventory system because every organization has to ensure its assets, in this case a proper functioning of inventory allowed to be competitive in a market where it is difficult to keep.
This work is aimed at proposing improved inventory system Acruxza Company SA in the city of Guayaquil, for which an analysis through five chapters which are summarized below is made. The company "ACRUXZA" is a young company that is providing services on the market since 1997, producing and distributing toiletries and institutional cleaning and hotel level, making this business to expand nationwide, coming from Thus companies linked to different sectors, especially hotel is the commercial, banking, industrial apparatus, service, and the most important. Inventory is a current asset account; to the extent that is well-managed will generate greater profitability to the company, hence the importance of a good management system which also includes controls. Through its implementation it seeks to address real-time customer orders, increasing the level of sales, market growth which contributes to achieving the goals of the organization. This research proposal and the importance of the evidence inventory system because every organization has to ensure its assets, in this case a proper functioning of inventory allowed to be competitive in a market where it is difficult to keep.
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