Actos Administrativos de Desvinculación de Servidores Públicos y su Impugnación a través de Garantías Jurisdiccionales.
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Jurisprudencia Ciencias Sociales y Polìticas
Los actos administrativos de desvinculación de servidores públicos pueden ser impugnados en vía constitucional
siempre que exista vulneración de derechos constitucionales, razón por la cual es preciso realizar un análisis sobre el
caso Gamboa Vs. Ministerio de Salud Pública, y los derechos que se fundamentan vulnerados, tales como: derecho
al trabajo, estabilidad laboral, seguridad jurídica y debido proceso. Es necesario establecer mecanismos de protección
para los servidores públicos que se encuentran bajo la normativa de LOSEP, específicamente los nombramientos
provisionales por puesto vacante, mismos que están sujetos a concursos de mérito y oposición, procedimiento que
actualmente se omite por las Unidades Administrativas de Talento Humano del sector público, a pesar de la existencia
de jurisprudencia vinculante y criterios de la Corte Constitucional. En definitiva, es necesario que se reforme lo
establecido en el Reglamento a la Ley Orgánica del Servicio Público, de esta forma se garantiza el ascenso y
estabilidad de estos servidores como una forma de revalorización de su trabajo.
The administrative acts of dismissal of public servers can be challenged through constitutional means whenever there is a violation of constitutional rights, which is why it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the Gamboa vs. “MSP” case, and the rights that are allegedly violated. such as: right to work, job confortamble, legal certainty and due process. It is necessary to establish protection mechanisms for public servers who are under the "LOSEP" regulations, specifically provisional appointments for vacant positions, which are subject to merit and opposition contests, a procedure that is currently omitted by the Administrative Units of Human Talent of the public area, despite the existence of binding jurisprudence and criteria of the Constitutional Court. In short, it is necessary to improve what is established in the Regulations to the Organic Law of Public Service, in this way the promotion and stability of these servers is guaranteed as a way of revaluing their work.
The administrative acts of dismissal of public servers can be challenged through constitutional means whenever there is a violation of constitutional rights, which is why it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the Gamboa vs. “MSP” case, and the rights that are allegedly violated. such as: right to work, job confortamble, legal certainty and due process. It is necessary to establish protection mechanisms for public servers who are under the "LOSEP" regulations, specifically provisional appointments for vacant positions, which are subject to merit and opposition contests, a procedure that is currently omitted by the Administrative Units of Human Talent of the public area, despite the existence of binding jurisprudence and criteria of the Constitutional Court. In short, it is necessary to improve what is established in the Regulations to the Organic Law of Public Service, in this way the promotion and stability of these servers is guaranteed as a way of revaluing their work.
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