Análisis de la factibilidad relacionada a la adopción de tecnologías wearables especializadas en enfermedades cardiacas en la ciudad de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
Los wearables representan una nueva generación de dispositivos inteligentes, la tecnología
que hasta ahora encontrábamos en un ordenador o un smartphone; la podemos llevar
puesta; generando un valor agregado al usuario, es importante analizar la necesidad e
importancia de adoptar esta tecnología en usuarios con enfermedades cardíacas dentro de
la ciudad de Guayaquil. Para este proceso se debe implementar el uso de estos dispositivos
tales como: smartwatches y samrtbands, los cuales permitirán al usuario poder llevar un
mejor control portable y a su vez el reporte de estos monitoreos compartirlos con su
especialista vía correo electrónico.
En esta solución la recolección de información se realizó a través de encuestas; el primer
beneficiario son los usuarios con enfermedades cardíacas y como segundo beneficiario son
los especialistas en cardiología de la ciudad de Guayaquil, ya que permitirá mejorar los
controles cardíacos a los usuarios. La solución podría contribuir al conocimiento de los
usuarios para una adecuada adopción de las tecnologías wearables y a su vez a los
profesionales especializados en enfermedades cardíacas contribuye a mejorar el control de
sus pacientes; para el desarrollo de la factibilidad se considera tres aspectos básicos:
técnico, operativo y financiero, los mismos que definirán la viabilidad de la solución.
Wearables represent a new generation of smart devices, the technology that until now we found in a computer or a smartphone; we can wear it; generating an added value to the user, it is important to analyze the need and importance of adopting this technology in users with heart diseases within the city of Guayaquil. For this process the use of these devices should be implemented such as: smartwatches and samrtbands, which will allow the user to carry a better portable control and in turn the report of these monitors share them with their specialist via email. In this solution, the collection of information was carried out through surveys; the first beneficiary is the users with heart diseases and as the second beneficiary are the cardiology specialists of the city of Guayaquil, since it will improve the cardiac controls to the users. The solution could contribute to the knowledge of the users for a suitable adoption of wearables technologies and in turn to the professionals specialized in cardiac diseases helps to improve the control of their patients; for the development of feasibility, three basic aspects are considered: technical, operational and financial, which will define the viability of the solution.
Wearables represent a new generation of smart devices, the technology that until now we found in a computer or a smartphone; we can wear it; generating an added value to the user, it is important to analyze the need and importance of adopting this technology in users with heart diseases within the city of Guayaquil. For this process the use of these devices should be implemented such as: smartwatches and samrtbands, which will allow the user to carry a better portable control and in turn the report of these monitors share them with their specialist via email. In this solution, the collection of information was carried out through surveys; the first beneficiary is the users with heart diseases and as the second beneficiary are the cardiology specialists of the city of Guayaquil, since it will improve the cardiac controls to the users. The solution could contribute to the knowledge of the users for a suitable adoption of wearables technologies and in turn to the professionals specialized in cardiac diseases helps to improve the control of their patients; for the development of feasibility, three basic aspects are considered: technical, operational and financial, which will define the viability of the solution.
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