Complicaciones del aborto en adolescentes

dc.contributor.authorChica Macías, Carmen
dc.contributor.tutorOrtega León, Freddy Orlando
dc.description.abstractEl aborto en adolescentes es un problema de salud pública, se está dando en edades cada vez más tempranas analizando las complicaciones del aborto en adolescentes de 14 a 19 años en el Hospital “Teófilo Dávila” durante el periodo 2012 al 2014 aplicando la metodología cuantitativa descriptiva observacional y prospectiva el 19% de los egresos por aborto corresponden a adolescentes de 14 a 19 años. El 90% si conoce los métodos de anticoncepción pero desconocen el uso correcto las causas de aborto más frecuentes son el aborto incompleto con el 62% se automedicaron el 61% para provocar el aborto el 47% fue por decisión personal el 55% presentaron contaje de hematocrito del 30 al 36% mientras que el 20% presentaron menos del 29% de Hematocrito al 92% se le realizó legrado instrumental y al 8% aspiración manual según las semanas de gestación el 43% fue de 1 a 8 semanas de 15 a 16 semanas el 36% y de 16 a 20 semanas de gestación el 20% de las adolescentes en referencia a la mortalidad materna, no se registran muertes en adolescentes en este grupo las adolescentes acuden cuando ya se han automedicado para provocarse el aborto las adolescentes conocen los métodos de anticoncepción pero desconocen su buen uso las complicaciones más frecuentes son retención de restos placentarios anemia infección el Hospital cuenta con la Guía Práctica Clínica del MSP para los casos de aborto en adolescentes pero el 70% de las historias clínicas no registran la consejería de anticoncepción. Palabras clave: Embarazo, Aborto, Adolescentes, Actitudes, Conocimiento SUMMARY Abortion in adolescents is a public health problem, and is occurring at an earlier age, analyzing the complications of abortion in adolescents aged 14 to 19 at Teófilo Dávila Hospital during the period 2012 to 2014 applying the quantitative descriptive methodology Observational and prospective, 19% of the abortion out- put correspond to adolescents aged 14 to 19 years. 90% if they know the methods of contraception but do not know the correct use the most frequent causes of abortion are incomplete abortion with 62% were self-medicated 61% to cause abortion 47% was by personal decision 55% hematocrit from 30 to 36% while 20% presented less than 29% of hematocrit to 92%, instrumental curettage and 8% of manual aspiration according to the gestation weeks, 43% were from 1 to 8 weeks from 15 to 16 36% and from 16 to 20 weeks of gestation in 20% of the adolescents in reference to maternal mortality, there are no deaths in adolescents in this group, adolescents come when they have already self-medicated to provoke abortion, the adolescents know the Methods of contraception but are not aware of its good use the most frequent complications are retention of placental remnants anemia infection Hospital has the MSP Clinical Practice Guide for abortion cases in adolescents but 70% of the medical records do not record contraception counselinges_ES
dc.description.abstractAbortion in adolescents is a public health problem, and is occurring at an earlier age, analyzing the complications of abortion in adolescents aged 14 to 19 at Teófilo Dávila Hospital during the period 2012 to 2014 applying the quantitative descriptive methodology Observational and prospective, 19% of the abortion out- put correspond to adolescents aged 14 to 19 years. 90% if they know the methods of contraception but do not know the correct use the most frequent causes of abortion are incomplete abortion with 62% were self-medicated 61% to cause abortion 47% was by personal decision 55% hematocrit from 30 to 36% while 20% presented less than 29% of hematocrit to 92%, instrumental curettage and 8% of manual aspiration according to the gestation weeks, 43% were from 1 to 8 weeks from 15 to 16 36% and from 16 to 20 weeks of gestation in 20% of the adolescents in reference to maternal mortality, there are no deaths in adolescents in this group, adolescents come when they have already self-medicated to provoke abortion, the adolescents know the Methods of contraception but are not aware of its good use the most frequent complications are retention of placental remnants anemia infection Hospital has the MSP Clinical Practice Guide for abortion cases in adolescents but 70% of the medical records do not record contraception counseling .es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduadoses_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Graduadoses_ES
dc.subjectComplicaciones del embarazoes_ES
dc.subjectEmbarazo en adolescenciaes_ES
dc.subjectEpidemiología descriptivaes_ES
dc.subjectEstudios prospectivoses_ES
dc.subjectHospital General Teófilo Dávilaes_ES
dc.subjectCantón Machalaes_ES
dc.titleComplicaciones del aborto en adolescentes
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