Propuesta de creación de una hostería en Puerto Engabao 2015

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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas.
Recientemente, el gobierno nacional ha realizado cambios en la matriz productiva nacional a través de lo establecido en el Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir vigente para el período 2013-2017; en el cual, se han establecido mejoras para distintos sectores de la economía nacional, entre ellos el sector turismo. Se han hecho inversiones para diferentes componentes de la plataforma hotelera, entre ellos: vías de acceso, lugares de aseo y alimentación, atractivos turísticos y, por supuesto, la plataforma hotelera en todos sus niveles. Dado este escenario y teniendo en cuenta que la zona que mayor ingreso turístico para el país es la costa, se diseña el presente plan de negocio para proponer la creación de una hostería en el sector de Puerto Engabao con miras a activar diferentes aspectos económicos de la zona y potencializar el turismo, así como satisfacer una necesidad de alojamiento de calidad dentro de la zona.
VIn recent years, the national government has focused on making a change in the national productive matrix through the provisions of the National Plan for Good Living in force for the period 2013-2017, one of the sectors that are part of the change is tourism sector. Ecuador has decided to invest extensively in each of the aspects that make the hotel platform, including: access roads, amenities and food places, tourist attractions and, of course, the hotel platform at all levels. Given this scenario and considering that the area more tourist income for the country is the coast, this business plan is designed to propose the creation of a hostelry in the area of Puerto Engabao in order to activate various economic aspects of potentiate zone and tourism as well as satisfy a need for quality accommodation in the area. The aim of the business plan is to identify the different parameters that allow establish the feasibility of placing a hostelry in the area of Puerto Engabao. Has used one-descriptive-exploratory documentary methodology to analyze the context of the Puerto Engabao, identify the strengths and weaknesses of potential competitors and the market on which operate the inn and finally understand the reality of tourism and its implications through a search of technical literature regarding the study sector. It was found that the Puerto Engabao is open to possibilities niche tourism project and has some profitable tourism attributes to generate income.
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