Aplicación web para la elaboración de informes de seguridad industrial y salud ocupacional en empresas pymes tanto públicas como privadas.

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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial. Carrera de Licenciatura en Sistemas de Información.
The research contained in this graduation work is focused on the study of the vulnerabilities of Internet access in the company Tributax Services, where the objectives are to detect the threats that usually occur when users access the Internet without any type of control. That is why, this work will target endian as free software that will allow to help protect the internal network and restrict access to unauthorized websites. When a direct connection to the Internet is established without restrictions, there is a risk of virus interference and computer attacks that could put at risk the integrity of the software and information of the clients to whom a quality and security service must be provided. With the political implementation of Internet access through an Open Source free software, it will protect the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the information, and maintain the security of access to the company's computer equipment and thus prevent any malicious intruder could manipulate data and network configurations. With Endian as a safe and effective Firewall that filters the network traffic, in which some filtering rules are established with then it is decided if a certain connection can be established or not.
The Industrial Safety has evolved over the years, although not in a very gradually way, the companies have not become aware of how important is for the company to take care of the health, integrity and safety of their employees because they continue leaning towards old ideas related to the regulation of risks that have arisen in the everyday activities. For this reason it has been designed, an Industrial Safety and Control System, which will allow identifying and evaluating risks related to industrial safety, so they develop the activities in a better way. The main objective of the development of the web application is to optimize response times and speed up the cycle of industrial security reporting processes, within the current reporting process, the reports have been handled through photos, physical documents, others. The information has presented problems such as waste of paper, loss of information, very little response time and re-digitization of documents. The web application for industrial safety reports aims to automate, coordinate, control and monitor the sequence of activities of industrial safety reports as well as observations of behaviors, significantly increasing the efficiency of organizations in terms of the safety of their employees.
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