The motivation factors and their impact on academic performance in the teaching – learning

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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
The Project “ DESIGN OF A DIDACTIC GUIDE WITH LUDICAL TECHNIQUES FOR THE STUDENTS OF 7th BASIC YEAR AT ESCUELA FISCAL MIXTA “AMARILIS FUENTES ALCÍVAR”, is the result of a research, due to the information compiled and needs that the population of this school required. During this investigation we looked for information about how to develop the learning of English in an easy and ludical way according to the age of the student and their level of English. Where they can learn, remember and apply what they know through games and ludical techniques. Due to the most of English teachers just transmit knowledge in a traditional way, it means they do not use games, active estrategias or techniques in order to enrich the creativity and communication of the students. We try to ease the learning process with different kind of games likje spelling, odd one out, mime, drawing dictation, listening activities, identify the carácter, the press conference, and so an. If we motivw the students, they will love the second language and the teacher. This Project is justified with the theoretical frame, the foundations, the bibliography. Also it has the result of this research, the consequence, the conclusions and recommendations that were used in the design phase and the application of a guide included vocabulary and grammar exercises. Lastly, the learning process will be easier by using this enjoyable material.
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