Análisis del artículo 293 del COIP, y la correcta aplicación en el caso 06282-2021- 01091

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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de jurisprudencia, Ciencias Sociales y Políticas
El índice delincuencial en Ecuador está ocasionando un sin número de problemas sociales además de perjuicios y daños contra la vida muchas veces de personas inocentes a las que se les arrebata la vida tras ser víctimas colaterales o encontrarse en el lugar u hora equivocada. En el país se ha incrementado la violencia a niveles abísmales donde es inverosímil el grado de violencia que se observan en las calles a todas horas del día, delitos que son cometidos por hombre, mujeres e incluso en muchos casos, son menores de edad los que incurren a ciertos actos delictivos. La seguridad ciudadana dentro del territorio ecuatoriano es mera competencia de la Policía Nacional, la cual tiene la tarea de proteger y salvaguardar los bienes jurídicos de los ciudadanos, principalmente el bien jurídico de la propiedad y la vida.
The crime rate in Ecuador is causing a number of social problems in addition to damage and harm to the lives of innocent people whose lives are taken away after being collateral victims or being in the wrong place or at the wrong time. In the country violence has increased to abysmal levels where it is unbelievable the degree of violence that is observed in the streets at all hours of the day, crimes that are committed by men, women and even in many cases, are minors who incur in certain criminal acts.Citizen security within the Ecuadorian territory is the mere competence of the National Police, which has the task of protecting and safeguarding the legal property of citizens, mainly the legal property and life, as is known the case occurred in Riobamba in the year 2021 where a second corporal of the national police, after fulfilling the work assigned within his instruction and for being part of that institution , He was sentenced to 3 years and 4 months, thus sowing fear in the other gendarmes at the time of fulfilling their work of providing security to citizens, he refrains at the time of repelling a criminal action and in the same way this fact shocks the citizenship by reason of opening more court to the crime that is lived daily.
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