Rediseño del comedor de docentes, espacio de preparación de alimentos y áreas complementarias de la Unidad educativa fiscomisional “El profeta Jeremías”- Guayaquil

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Universidad de Guayaquil: Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
La presente investigación se refiere al tema del rediseño interiorista y diseño de mobiliarios ergonómicos que tanto las instituciones públicas como privadas tienen hoy en día en Guayaquil, para ser más específico hablaremos de la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional “ El Profeta Jeremías ” ubicada en la Isla trinitaria. El rediseño interiorizado tanto de las estructuras físicas como el diseño de los mobiliarios ergonómicos son de vital importancia para el crecimiento económico ya que le darían a la institución una mejor vista por parte de los padres de familia que ya están o desean que sus representados formen parte de dicho proyecto. La característica principal es la mala distribución de espacios, y falta de áreas imprescindibles para el correcto desarrollo de diferentes actividades, adicional a eso se hizo un cambio de colores y luminarias con el objetivo de más dinamismo las aulas de clases y a las distintas áreas de la institución y así influir en el estado de ánimo tanto de los estudiantes como del personal que labora en la institución.
The present investigation refers to the subject of interior redesign and ergonomic furniture design that both public and private institutions have today in Guayaquil, to be more specific we will talk about the Fiscomisional Educational Unit "El Profeta Jeremías" located on the Trinitarian Island. The internalized redesign of both the physical structures and the design of the ergonomic furniture are of vital importance for economic growth since they would give the institution a better view on the part of the parents who are already or want their clients to be part of it of said project. The main characteristic is the poor distribution of spaces, and the lack of essential areas for the correct development of different activities, in addition to that, a change of colors and lighting was made with the aim of giving more life to the classrooms and the different areas of the institution and thus influence the state of mind of both the students and all the staff who work there. To analyze this problem, it is necessary to mention the causes, according to ministerial agreement 347-2019, a healthy work environment is very important in order to encourage the health and well-being of all the people who are part of the Educational Unit, through the implementation and the redesign of spaces and furniture that promote good habits for a better coexistence between workers and students. Redesign is understood as the modification and updating of a solution for something that already exists. The investigation of this problem was carried out in order to provide a solution to the change in the design of the institution in order to give a better impression and become a more prestigious school. Within the framework of sociological theory, the research was carried out with a series of surveys of the personnel who work in the school. 17 In the surveys, ten questions were detailed and outlined with topics of state of infrastructure, furniture, air conditioning and lighting. During the field research, one of the obstacles in the surveys was the accessibility of the staff surveyed because we always found them during working hours and they lacked time
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