Estudio epidemiológico de enfermeddades oportunistas en pacientes con Vih/Sida. Hospital “Dr. José Garcés Rodríguez” cantón Salinas. Periodo 2009-2013
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología. Escuela de Postgrado “Dr. José Apolo Pineda”
Las enfermedades oportunistas continúan siendo una causa mayor de morbilidad y de mortalidad en pacientes con VIH/SIDA. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la prevalencia y factores de riesgo de las enfermedades oportunistas en pacientes VIH positivo del Centro de Atención Integral a los PVVS del Hospital de Salinas, durante el período 2009-2013. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal mediante un instrumento para recolección de datos de las historias clínicas de una muestra de 129 pacientes con diagnóstico de infección por el VIH. Se halló una prevalencia de 66,94% de casos de enfermedades oportunistas en pacientes con VIH/SIDA. La población estudiada es en su mayor parte es de sexo masculino (80,17%) en su mayor parte (22,3%) del rango de 28 a 37 años, del área urbana (71,07%) y con nivel de instrucción primaria (73%). El 39,67% se encuentran en unión libre, 66,12% de pacientes es heterosexual. Las ocupaciones autónomas (cocinero, peluquero, comerciante, entre otros), el 58,70% tuvieron peso normal. El promedio de células CD4 en pacientes con enfermedades oportunistas es de 216,2 CÉL/mm3 y el promedio de carga viral en estos pacientes es de 34.983,4 copias virales. La enfermedad oportunista más frecuente fue la tuberculosis pulmonar. Se halló una relación estadísticamente significativa (p <0,05) con las variables estado nutricional, cumplimiento de TARV y cumplimiento de quimioprofilaxis.
Palabra clave: VIH, prevalencia, enfermedades oportunistas, factores de riesgo, TARV, quimioprofilaxis.
XIX SUMMARY Opportunistic diseases remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with HIV / AIDS. The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence and risk factors for opportunistic infections in HIV-positive patients of the Center for Integral Attention to PLWHA Salinas Hospital during 2009-2013. An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed using an instrument for data collection from medical records of a sample of 129 patients diagnosed with HIV infection. A prevalence of 66.94% of cases of opportunistic infections in patients with HIV / AIDS was found. The study population is mostly is male (80.17%) mostly (22.3%) in the range of 28 to 37 years, the urban area (71.07%) and level of education primary (73%). 39.67% are in free union, 66.12% of patients are heterosexual. The autonomous occupations (cook, hairdresser, merchant, etc.), 58.70% had normal weight. The average CD4 cells in patients with opportunistic diseases is 216.2 cells / mm3 and the mean viral load in these patients is 34983.4 viral copies. The most common opportunistic disease was pulmonary tuberculosis. A statistically significant relationship (p <0.05) with the nutritional status variables, compliance and enforcement ART chemoprophylaxis was found. Keywords: HIV, prevalence , opportunistic diseases , risk factors , ART, chemoprophylaxis
XIX SUMMARY Opportunistic diseases remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with HIV / AIDS. The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence and risk factors for opportunistic infections in HIV-positive patients of the Center for Integral Attention to PLWHA Salinas Hospital during 2009-2013. An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed using an instrument for data collection from medical records of a sample of 129 patients diagnosed with HIV infection. A prevalence of 66.94% of cases of opportunistic infections in patients with HIV / AIDS was found. The study population is mostly is male (80.17%) mostly (22.3%) in the range of 28 to 37 years, the urban area (71.07%) and level of education primary (73%). 39.67% are in free union, 66.12% of patients are heterosexual. The autonomous occupations (cook, hairdresser, merchant, etc.), 58.70% had normal weight. The average CD4 cells in patients with opportunistic diseases is 216.2 cells / mm3 and the mean viral load in these patients is 34983.4 viral copies. The most common opportunistic disease was pulmonary tuberculosis. A statistically significant relationship (p <0.05) with the nutritional status variables, compliance and enforcement ART chemoprophylaxis was found. Keywords: HIV, prevalence , opportunistic diseases , risk factors , ART, chemoprophylaxis
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