Perfil de egreso y desempeño laboral de los profesionales de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Guayaquil año 2012
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación.
Con este trabajo de investigación se pretende reafirmar la merecida
importancia que tiene la realización de las Prácticas Preprofesionales en los
estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Guayaquil ya que
constituye un problema que día a día se acrecienta debido a que no se pone
en juego los conocimientos adquiridos durante el proceso formativo del
estudiante, lo que le impide concretizar teorías aplicándolas a situaciones
problemáticas reales en el campo laboral. Para el desarrollo del trabajo de
investigación se apoyó fundamentalmente en las entrevista y la encuesta; el
procesamiento y análisis de los resultados se efectuaron a través de gráficos
estadísticos. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por los estudiantes
de quinto nivel y egresados, docentes; varios representantes de la empresa
pública y privada; y también de expertos. La principal fuente de inspiración
para llevar a cabo esta propuesta es con el claro propósito de aportar al
desarrollo profesional de los estudiantes, proyectando profesionales capaces
de desempeñarse en cualquier área laboral. La práctica preprofesional
propone un vínculo bidireccional en el que la teoría y la práctica se asimilan
mutuamente, concretándose, dando lugar a un nuevo sentido y significado de
la realidad laboral y profesional; abarca una experiencia multidimensional
centrada en el “conocer en la práctica”, entendida como aprendizaje en
función de una interacción entre la experiencia y la competencia. Se está
beneficiando a tres grupos importantes como son los estudiantes, porque les
da la posibilidad de culminar la carrera no solo con un título sino con el valor
agregado de alguna experiencia laboral; la Carrera de Ingeniería Civil porque
amplía su ámbito de incidencia y su servicio educativo más allá de la
educación formal, acrecentando aún más el prestigio e imagen institucional;
a la empresa porque puede contar con una fuerza laboral activa con ganas
de aprender.
With this research is to reaffirm the importance deserved conducting practices preprofessional students in Civil Engineering from the University of Guayaquil as a problem that is increasing day by day because at stake is not the knowledge acquired during the training process of the student, so you can not concretize theories by applying them to real problem situations in the workplace. For the development of the research relied primarily on interview and survey, processing and analysis of the results were performed by statistical graphics. The study population consisted of fifth grade students and graduates, teachers, representatives of several public and private companies, as well as experts. The main source of inspiration to carry out this proposal with the clear purpose of contributing to the professional development of students, planning professionals capable of working in any domain. The preprofessional practice proposes a bidirectional link in which theory and practice are treated each other, taking shape, resulting in a new sense and meaning of the reality of work and professional experience encompasses a multidimensional centric "learn by doing", learning understood as a function of an interaction between experience and competence. It is benefiting three important groups such as students, because it gives them the opportunity to complete the race not only with a degree but with the added value of any work experience, the Civil Engineering because it broadens the scope of advocacy and service education beyond formal education, further adding to the prestige and institutional image, to the company because it can have an active workforce eager to learn.
With this research is to reaffirm the importance deserved conducting practices preprofessional students in Civil Engineering from the University of Guayaquil as a problem that is increasing day by day because at stake is not the knowledge acquired during the training process of the student, so you can not concretize theories by applying them to real problem situations in the workplace. For the development of the research relied primarily on interview and survey, processing and analysis of the results were performed by statistical graphics. The study population consisted of fifth grade students and graduates, teachers, representatives of several public and private companies, as well as experts. The main source of inspiration to carry out this proposal with the clear purpose of contributing to the professional development of students, planning professionals capable of working in any domain. The preprofessional practice proposes a bidirectional link in which theory and practice are treated each other, taking shape, resulting in a new sense and meaning of the reality of work and professional experience encompasses a multidimensional centric "learn by doing", learning understood as a function of an interaction between experience and competence. It is benefiting three important groups such as students, because it gives them the opportunity to complete the race not only with a degree but with the added value of any work experience, the Civil Engineering because it broadens the scope of advocacy and service education beyond formal education, further adding to the prestige and institutional image, to the company because it can have an active workforce eager to learn.
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