Las actividades lúdicas en el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo.
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
La presente investigación aborda la influencia que tienen las actividades
lúdicas como parte del proceso pedagógico en el desarrollo del
pensamiento creativo en los estudiantes de educación general básica
superior de la Unidad Educativa “Ciudad de Balzar”. Luego de identificar el
problema existente debido al escaso desarrollo del saber pensar y la poca
creatividad por parte de los estudiantes se llega a determinar que las
actividades lúdicas pueden influenciar positivamente para solucionar la
problemática, debido a que son estrategias didácticas que son
implementadas en el proceso pedagógico a través de juegos recreativos
que despiertan el interés y la motivación de los estudiantes por querer
aprender. Se recomienda a los docentes efectuar correctamente estas
actividades durante el proceso de construcción del conocimiento como
parte de la planificación de clase para que ayuden a los estudiantes a
desarrollar el pensamiento creativo a manera de reflexión y criticidad. La
investigación se realiza de manera cualitativa para conocer los indicadores
de satisfacción de acuerdo a una entrevista realizada al directivo, a una
encuesta con según escala de Likert aplicada a los docentes, estudiantes
y representantes legales en cada una de las preguntas realizadas en el
cuestionario de las encuestas, lo cual que permite conocer de forma veraz
los conocimientos que tienen los docentes y padres de familia en referencia
al impacto y la influencia de las actividades lúdicas. Como propuesta para
solucionar este inconveniente, se ofrece una guía didáctica interactiva para
mejorar la creatividad incluidas en un software educativo que permite una
agradable interacción con los estudiantes para el logro de los objetivos
The present investigation deals the influence that the program Learning Moving has as learning process in the area of Physical Education in the development of creative thinking in students of higher basic general education from the educational "Ciudad de Balzar". After identifying the problem due to the insufficient development of know thinking and little creativity by students is posible to determine that the program Learning Moving can influence positively to solve the problem, because it is a learning process which contains fun activities and recreational games aroused the interest and motivation of students wanting to learn. It is recommended to teachers make these activities during the process of construction of knowledge as part of the lesson plan to help students to develop the creative way of reflection and critical thinking. The research is performed qualitatively to meet satisfaction according to the Likert scale indicators that have teachers, students and legal representatives in each of the questions asked in the survey questionnaire, which allows to know of true knowledge that teachers and parents have in reference to the impact and influence of the program Learning Moving. As a proposal to solve this inconvenience, offers an interactive educational guide with activities and games of the program Learning Moving included in an educational software that allows a pleasant interaction with students to achieve educational goals.
The present investigation deals the influence that the program Learning Moving has as learning process in the area of Physical Education in the development of creative thinking in students of higher basic general education from the educational "Ciudad de Balzar". After identifying the problem due to the insufficient development of know thinking and little creativity by students is posible to determine that the program Learning Moving can influence positively to solve the problem, because it is a learning process which contains fun activities and recreational games aroused the interest and motivation of students wanting to learn. It is recommended to teachers make these activities during the process of construction of knowledge as part of the lesson plan to help students to develop the creative way of reflection and critical thinking. The research is performed qualitatively to meet satisfaction according to the Likert scale indicators that have teachers, students and legal representatives in each of the questions asked in the survey questionnaire, which allows to know of true knowledge that teachers and parents have in reference to the impact and influence of the program Learning Moving. As a proposal to solve this inconvenience, offers an interactive educational guide with activities and games of the program Learning Moving included in an educational software that allows a pleasant interaction with students to achieve educational goals.
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