La cooperación internacional en la política exterior del Ecuador: utilización de fondos no reembolsables.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Instituto Superior de Post-Grado en Ciencias Internacionales "Dr. Antonio Parra Velasco"
La Cooperación Internacional en el Ecuador atiende a diferentes sectores: medio ambiente, educación, desarrollo social, recursos naturales y energía, desarrollo productivo, multisectorial, fortalecimiento administrativo, salud, comercio exterior, industrialización y competitividad, y refugiados, entre los principales. En el Ecuador si existe la capacidad para responder al nuevo contexto mundial y ha accedido a la Cooperación Internacional No Reembolsable después de la crisis financiera y económica mundial (2008); que por su impacto obligó a ciertos donantes a adoptar políticas de austeridad. El marco legal que rige en el Ecuador para orientar la Política Exterior y promover la Cooperación Internacional desde el sector gubernamental consta en algunos artículos de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador de 2008, en el Código Orgánico de Organización Territorial, Autonomía y Descentralización – COOTAD-, en el Código Orgánico de Planificación y Finanzas Públicas, en el Decreto Ejecutivo Nos. 699 de 30 de octubre de 2007 y sus reformas por Decretos Ejecutivos No. 429 de 29 de julio de 2010 por Decreto Ejecutivo No. 812 de 5 de julio de 2011; y en el Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir del 2013 – 2017. El gobierno del Señor Presidente Rafael Correa promulga una gestión soberana de la cooperación internacional, canalizándola como un mecanismo complementario a la acción del Estado, con énfasis en temas de fortalecimiento del talento humano, asistencia técnica, transferencia tecnológica y el fortalecimiento de la cooperación Sur-Sur.
The International Cooperation in Ecuador oversees different sectors: principally environment, education, social development, natural resources and energy, productive, multi-sectors development, administrative strengthening, health, foreign trade, industrialization and competitiveness, and refugees. Ecuador does have the capacity to answer to the new world situation and has acceeded to the International Non-Refundable Cooperation after the world financial and economic crisis (2008), the impact of which forced certain donors to adopt policies of austerity. The legal framework that governs in Ecuador to guide Foreign Policies and to promote International Cooperation from the government standpoint is stated in some articles of the 2008 Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, in the Organic Code of Territorial Organization, Autonomy and Decentralization – COOTAD-, in the Organic Code of Planning and Public Finance, the Executive Decree Number 699 of October 30, 2007, and its reforms by Executive Decrees Number 429 of July 29, 2010, by Executive Decree Number 812 of July 5, 2011; and in the National Plan for Good Living of 2013 through 2017. The government of President Rafael Correa promulgates a sovereign management of International Cooperation, channeling it as a complementary mechanism to the action of the State, with emphasis on the strengthening of human talent, technical assistance, technological transference and the strengthening of the Cooperation South-South.
The International Cooperation in Ecuador oversees different sectors: principally environment, education, social development, natural resources and energy, productive, multi-sectors development, administrative strengthening, health, foreign trade, industrialization and competitiveness, and refugees. Ecuador does have the capacity to answer to the new world situation and has acceeded to the International Non-Refundable Cooperation after the world financial and economic crisis (2008), the impact of which forced certain donors to adopt policies of austerity. The legal framework that governs in Ecuador to guide Foreign Policies and to promote International Cooperation from the government standpoint is stated in some articles of the 2008 Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, in the Organic Code of Territorial Organization, Autonomy and Decentralization – COOTAD-, in the Organic Code of Planning and Public Finance, the Executive Decree Number 699 of October 30, 2007, and its reforms by Executive Decrees Number 429 of July 29, 2010, by Executive Decree Number 812 of July 5, 2011; and in the National Plan for Good Living of 2013 through 2017. The government of President Rafael Correa promulgates a sovereign management of International Cooperation, channeling it as a complementary mechanism to the action of the State, with emphasis on the strengthening of human talent, technical assistance, technological transference and the strengthening of the Cooperation South-South.
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