Abdomen agudo como consecuencia de embarazo ectópico, Hospital General Guasmo Sur
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Medicina
Introducción: El embarazo ectópico es una patología que sigue en aumento en el Ecuador, y es el principal causante de las muertes maternas durante el primer trimestre de embarazo. Esta situación se da en el momento en que el óvulo fecundado se implanta en sitios externos al útero, presentándose con mayor frecuencia en la trompa de Falopio, aumentando de tamaño hasta causar una ruptura de la pared de la trompa, culminando en un abdomen agudo. La atención debe ser inmediata, junto con exámenes de laboratorio e imagen determinar el diagnóstico y tratamiento pertinente.
Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de embarazo ectópico como causa de abdomen agudo.
Materiales y Métodos: El estudio es observacional no experimental, retrospectivo, analítico y relacional, de secuencia transversal, utiliza la información de casos para la investigación. Se obtiene un universo de 1578 pacientes con abdomen agudo entre el año 2017-2021, posterior a aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión a la población inicial, se opta por trabajar con población de 433 pacientes dentro de nuestro universo, por lo que se decide trabajar con la población total.
Resultados: Dentro del total de casos de abdomen agudo que se presentaron durante el lapso estudiado, solo 27% resultó ser causado por un embarazo ectópico y el rango de edad que más resultó afecto fue de pacientes de 18-27 años.
Discusión y conclusiones: Los resultados que se obtuvieron durante esta investigación concuerdan con investigaciones nacionales e internacionales. Los embarazos tubáricos se presentan con mayor frecuencia
Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy is a pathology that is still increasing in Ecuador and is the leading cause of maternal deaths during the first three months of pregnancy. This happens when the fertilized egg implants in external sites of the uterus, appearing more frequently in the fallopian tube, increasing in size until causing a rupture in the walls of the tube, finishing in acute abdomen. Attention must be immediate, with the laboratory results and imaging tests to determine the diagnosis and the correct treatment. Objective: To determine the incidence of ectopic pregnancy as a cause of acute abdomen. Materials and Methods: The study is observational non-experimental, retrospective, analytical and relational, of cross-sectional sequence, uses case information for research. A universe of 1578 patients with acute abdomen between the years 2017-2021 is obtained, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria to the initial population, It is decided to work with a population of 433 patients within our universe, so it is decided to work with the total population. Results: Within the total number of cases of acute abdomen that occurred during the period studied, only 27% turned out to be caused by an ectopic pregnancy and the age range that was most affected was patients between 18-27 years old. Discussion and Conclusions: The results obtained during this investigation agree with national and international investigations. Tubal pregnancies occur more frequently
Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy is a pathology that is still increasing in Ecuador and is the leading cause of maternal deaths during the first three months of pregnancy. This happens when the fertilized egg implants in external sites of the uterus, appearing more frequently in the fallopian tube, increasing in size until causing a rupture in the walls of the tube, finishing in acute abdomen. Attention must be immediate, with the laboratory results and imaging tests to determine the diagnosis and the correct treatment. Objective: To determine the incidence of ectopic pregnancy as a cause of acute abdomen. Materials and Methods: The study is observational non-experimental, retrospective, analytical and relational, of cross-sectional sequence, uses case information for research. A universe of 1578 patients with acute abdomen between the years 2017-2021 is obtained, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria to the initial population, It is decided to work with a population of 433 patients within our universe, so it is decided to work with the total population. Results: Within the total number of cases of acute abdomen that occurred during the period studied, only 27% turned out to be caused by an ectopic pregnancy and the age range that was most affected was patients between 18-27 years old. Discussion and Conclusions: The results obtained during this investigation agree with national and international investigations. Tubal pregnancies occur more frequently
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