Prospección y exploración de aguas subterráneas, área Chacras - Provincia de El Oro
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El área de estudio se ubica en la Parroquia Chacras, provincia de El Oro, Arenillas. La zona presenta una topografía sub-horizonatl con vastas áreas planas, alteradas con pequeños causes y esteros intermitentes,e vidénciándose la presencia de un sistema montañoso hacia el sureste. Se encuentra cubierta de vegetación densa en ciertos sitios; mientras que en otros sitios ha sido ya trabajada, observándose cultivos esporádicos tradicionales de plátano, maíz, limón, etc. Considerándose un grave problema de falta de agua. Debido a la escasez superficial del agua, se procede a obtener el agua mediante la perforación o excavación de pozos; previamente se hace un estudio de Prospección y Exploración de aguas subterráneas con el fin de sobrevivir al desabastecimiento existente. De acuerdo a la Hoja Geológica de Huaquillas y al Léxico Estratigráfico de Hoffstetter se determinó la presencia del Cuaternario Indiferenciado y Aluviales del río. La Litología está constítuída por Arenillas, imos, arenas y gravas. En su litología la permeabilidad es buena a media, esto permite que el coeficiente de almacenamiento y circulación de aguas subterrámeas sean efectivas. La recarga natural proviene de la Cordillera de Tahuín.
The study area is located in the Parish Farms, province of El Oro, Arenillas. The area has a sub-horizonatl topography with vast flat areas, altered with small causes and intermittent streams, and vidénciándose the presence of a mountain to the southeast. It is covered with dense vegetation in some places, while in other places has been already worked, observing traditional sporadic banana crops, corn, lemon, etc.. Considering a serious problem of lack of water. Because surface water shortages, we proceed to obtain water by drilling or digging wells, previously a study of Prospecting and Exploration of groundwater in order to survive the existing shortages. According to the Geological Sheet Huaquillas and Hoffstetter Stratigraphic Lexicon determined the presence and Undifferentiated Quaternary Alluvial River. The lithology consists of Arenillas, IMOS, sands and gravels. Lithology in permeability is good in the middle, this allows the coefficient storage and circulating waters subterrámeas be effective. Natural recharge from the Cordillera of Tahuín.
The study area is located in the Parish Farms, province of El Oro, Arenillas. The area has a sub-horizonatl topography with vast flat areas, altered with small causes and intermittent streams, and vidénciándose the presence of a mountain to the southeast. It is covered with dense vegetation in some places, while in other places has been already worked, observing traditional sporadic banana crops, corn, lemon, etc.. Considering a serious problem of lack of water. Because surface water shortages, we proceed to obtain water by drilling or digging wells, previously a study of Prospecting and Exploration of groundwater in order to survive the existing shortages. According to the Geological Sheet Huaquillas and Hoffstetter Stratigraphic Lexicon determined the presence and Undifferentiated Quaternary Alluvial River. The lithology consists of Arenillas, IMOS, sands and gravels. Lithology in permeability is good in the middle, this allows the coefficient storage and circulating waters subterrámeas be effective. Natural recharge from the Cordillera of Tahuín.
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