El diseño como herramienta básica en la promoción turística del cantón Balao y sus recintos aledaños
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
Este proyecto de investigación sobre la promoción turística del Cantón Balao, tiene como objetivo incrementar la promoción turística del Cantón Balao y sus recintos aledaños, determinar el problema que afecta la falta de información de los lugares turísticos del Cantón Balao, proponer una solución a través del proceso de investigación y determinar las causas y consecuencias que con lleva a la falta de información.
Tiene como finalidad fomentar una buena promoción turística, que servirá de guía para la población en general. Esta guía impresa constituye toda la información detallada de cada sitio, junto con imágenes de los lugares para su referencia visual, para esta investigación se recogieron datos de los transeúntes que circulan en la avenida Panamericana a la altura del Cantón Naranjal hasta la parroquia San Carlos con un total de 383 muestras.
The Project of investigation on the tourist promotion of the Canton Balao, it has as ain increase the tourist promotion of the Canton Balao, and his bordering enclouseres, to determine the problem that affects the lack of information of the tourist places of the Canton Balao, to propose a solution across the process of investigation and the reasons and consequences determine that with ride to the lack of information. It has as purpose promote a good tourist promotion, which will use as guide for the population in general, this printed guide constitutes all the detailed information of every site, together with local images for his visul reference, for this investigation there was gathered information of the transients who circulate in the pan-American avenue at a height of the Canton Orange grove up to the parish San Carlos with a total of 383 samples.
The Project of investigation on the tourist promotion of the Canton Balao, it has as ain increase the tourist promotion of the Canton Balao, and his bordering enclouseres, to determine the problem that affects the lack of information of the tourist places of the Canton Balao, to propose a solution across the process of investigation and the reasons and consequences determine that with ride to the lack of information. It has as purpose promote a good tourist promotion, which will use as guide for the population in general, this printed guide constitutes all the detailed information of every site, together with local images for his visul reference, for this investigation there was gathered information of the transients who circulate in the pan-American avenue at a height of the Canton Orange grove up to the parish San Carlos with a total of 383 samples.
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