Estudio: Factores asociados a los cambios y variaciones físicas de la tilapia congelada de exportación
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
El cultivo e industrialización de la tilapia en la República del Ecuador es una actividad prácticamente nueva en el país, pero que tiene un gran potencial económico.
En nuestro país en la década de los 80 es cuando verdaderamente se da pie adelante para el desarrollo de esta especie, la Escuela Politécnica del Litoral de la ciudad de Guayaquil realiza los primeros experimentos.
De ahí que por su buen comportamiento en el campo animó a empresarios ecuatorianos a invertir para producir e industrializar, fue como Enaca fue uno de los primeros en producir y procesar Tilapia en filetes bajo las más estrictas normas de calidad e higiene para los mercados de Estados Unidos y Europa, en el primero de los nombrados por su cercanía con nuestro país se lo exporta como filete fresco en un 90% y para Europa se lo exporta en filetes congelados .
Y este filete congelado de tilapia de exportación que nos da una pauta por cuanto estos tienen variaciones de tipo físico que es debido a ciertos factores que fue el motivo de la investigación de este trabajo.
Para la realización de este trabajo se investigó todos los puntos concernientes desde el inicio como es el cultivo , alimentación hasta el procesamiento, almacenamiento final, de igual manera se tomaron 40 muestras de filetes de tilapia congelada y se le realizó los análisis desde el periodo comprendido entre los meses de Febrero 2001 – Abril 2001 – Junio – 2001 – Agosto 2001 – Octubre 2001 y Diciembre 2001 se les realizó los análisis físico – químico y microbiológicos.
Los resultados demuestran que la calidad está sobre todo , por esta razón se realizaron los análisis en los laboratorios de control de calidad y Microbiológico de la Empresa Enaca (Empacadora Nacional), siguiendo las técnicas establecidas para cada análisis .
Los resultados están dentro de los parámetros establecidos para este tipo de producto, lo que indica que habiendo cambio físico como es en este caso el cambio de coloración verdosa es un producto de buena calidad ya que no ha habido contaminación bacteriana.
The cultivation and industrialization of the tilapia in the Republic of the Ecuador are a practically new activity in the country, but that she/he has a great economic potential. In our country in the decade of the 80 is when cause is truly given ahead for the development of this species, the Polytechnic School of the Coast of the city of Guayaquil carries out the first experiments. With the result that for their good behavior in the field encouraged Ecuadorian managers to invest to take place and to industrialize, it was as Enaca it was one of the first ones in to take place and to process Tilapia in fillets under those but strict norms of quality and hygiene for the markets of United States and Europe, in the first of the noted ones for their proximity with our country export it to him as fresh fillet in 90% and Europe stops it exports it to him in frozen fillets. And this frozen fillet of export tilapia that gives us a rule since these they have variations of physical type that is due to certain factors that it was the reason of the investigation of this work. For the realization of this work it was investigated all the concerning points from the beginning like it is the cultivation, feeding until the prosecution, final storage, in a same way they took 40 samples of fillets of frozen tilapia and she/he was carried out the analyses from the period understood among the months of February 2001 - April 2001 - June - 2001 - I Wither 2001 - October 2001 and December 2001 they were carried out the physical analyses - chemical and microbiologics. The results demonstrate that the quality is mainly, for this reason they were carried out the analyses in the laboratories of control of quality and Microbiológico of the Empresa Enaca (National Packer), following the established techniques for each analysis. The results are inside the established parameters for this product type, what indicates that there being physical change as it is in this case the change of greenish coloration it is since a product of good quality there has not been bacterial contamination.
The cultivation and industrialization of the tilapia in the Republic of the Ecuador are a practically new activity in the country, but that she/he has a great economic potential. In our country in the decade of the 80 is when cause is truly given ahead for the development of this species, the Polytechnic School of the Coast of the city of Guayaquil carries out the first experiments. With the result that for their good behavior in the field encouraged Ecuadorian managers to invest to take place and to industrialize, it was as Enaca it was one of the first ones in to take place and to process Tilapia in fillets under those but strict norms of quality and hygiene for the markets of United States and Europe, in the first of the noted ones for their proximity with our country export it to him as fresh fillet in 90% and Europe stops it exports it to him in frozen fillets. And this frozen fillet of export tilapia that gives us a rule since these they have variations of physical type that is due to certain factors that it was the reason of the investigation of this work. For the realization of this work it was investigated all the concerning points from the beginning like it is the cultivation, feeding until the prosecution, final storage, in a same way they took 40 samples of fillets of frozen tilapia and she/he was carried out the analyses from the period understood among the months of February 2001 - April 2001 - June - 2001 - I Wither 2001 - October 2001 and December 2001 they were carried out the physical analyses - chemical and microbiologics. The results demonstrate that the quality is mainly, for this reason they were carried out the analyses in the laboratories of control of quality and Microbiológico of the Empresa Enaca (National Packer), following the established techniques for each analysis. The results are inside the established parameters for this product type, what indicates that there being physical change as it is in this case the change of greenish coloration it is since a product of good quality there has not been bacterial contamination.
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